Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Remove botton. 1) pc1: no messages from Comodo > Remove botton works well; 2) pc2: messages from Comodo, I click on Allow as Safe application > Remove botton doesnt work, nothing happens.

Problem fully resolved by doing: Comodo > Applications> right click > "Unlock %temp% folder: uninstall.bat". ok!

PS: Comodo deleted your adwcleaner.exe when trying to copy it into a pendrive marking it as Ma...

Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images

Le problème est réglé. Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

Résultat du rapport ZHP cleaner


Je vous envoie mon rapport de ZHP Cleaner. Je voudrais savoir le résultat et si tous les adwares trouvés ont été supprimés. C'est la première fois que j'utilise ce logiciel et je ne sais pas comment m'en servir. J'ai fait cette analyse parce que mon processeur tournait à fond et je ne trouvais pas ça normal.

J'ai oublié de vous dire que j'ai redémarr...

Is my EXE infected?

Hi, can you please analize this EXE? I found it on C:\ProgrFiles. Is it a trojan? have I to delete it or this my cause issue with HP? thanks a lot. Best regards, here the perhaps infected file: at the moment I moved it into Draft folder.

Re: Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes

Referring to the FAQ linked above.

Are both AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes needed?

  • Yes!
  • AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes are designed to work well together
  • AdwCleaner specializes in adware and PUPs removal and does not offer real-time protection. It does a more thorough job of cleaning the left-over traces, OS configurations, and system modifications caused by malware.
  • Malwarebytes focuses more o...

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?


Thanks for the feedback. We'll fix this (probably with the next version).

AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

File properties and info show version, same as previous release, but the file when run shows 7.2.0 in the title bar, same as indicated on the ToolsLib download page. FYI.


Re: Malwarebytes 3 and avira

Hi Cocochepeau, would you recommend disabling the real-time protection when using Malwarebytes 3 no matter what antivirus program you're using or is does that advice only for the Avira users?

Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images

  1. Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Searching empty directories... Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access files in "C:\inetpub\history" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access subdirectories in "C:\inetpub\history" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access files in "C:\inetpub\logs" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access subdirectories in "C:\inetpub\logs" Fri, 08 Jun 2018...

pc 64 bits très lent rapports FRST



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,

