rapports FRST à examiner pour pc 64 bits très lent

dans Windows par Oswaldo76



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,







pc 64 bits très lent rapports FRST



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,







Re: Hello everyone

Hello and welcome to ToolsLib!

Please take a look at this thread first: https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/22-welcome-official-toolslib-forum/


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:51:15 (UTC)

Hi @cocochepeau,

If I may add, in addition to your link above, also include a link (for Newbies) to the forum guidelines/rules.

Just my opinion.  ????


Re: Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

Hello Ethelena,

Welcome to ToolsLib,

Please answer the following questions in your reply.  First of all may I ask you what kind of

1)  anti virus software are you using? 

2)  What version Awd Cleaner are you using? 

3)  Do you have an ad blocking software installed on your computer? 

4)  Do you have PC Repair installed on your computer?

Warmest Regards,


supprimer Anvi Slim Toolbar, DNS Unlocker & Anime Wallpaper - problême pour créer self-extractor archive sfx de 20 Go

dans Disinfection par brouil


je me présente, je m'appelles broul,

je devais m'inscrire chez coolman ce matin mais malgré le bon pseudo/mail/mot de passe ça me dit mot de passe/pseudo érroné (je pense à un virus réseau) donc je suis venu m'inscrire sur toolslib

j'ai un pc sous w10 acheté en 2005, mis à jour vers w8 en 2011 et w10 en 2016,


j'été infecté par reimage en 2014,


après une prise en charge sur f...

***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

using latest version 13/03/18

# Updated on 2018/08/02 by Malwarebytes # Database: 2018-03-12.1 # Running on Windows 7 Ultimate (X64) # Mode: scan # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Optional.AdvancedSystemCare, C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare PUP...

Adwclwaner y Norton anti-virus

dans AdwCleaner par producer

Several elements must be present in a fast-track product launch if it is to be successful, say executives from Kiwi Brands Inc, which launched its Ty-D-Bol Triple Action Stain-Fighting Liquid in Oct 1995 after just 150 days of preparation. Those elements include clear communications and a close working relationship between different segments of the design team, computerized information processi...

Re: Hello everyone

Hello and welcome to ToolsLib!

Please take a look at this thread first: https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/22-welcome-official-toolslib-forum/


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


First, about the download issues. Please try again without IDM. It should work as expected - I'll be working on a fix asap.

Then, about AdwCleaner 7.1 : We're still working on it. The heuristic crash will be fixed in the 7.1 release. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: PUP \SysNative\drivers\mrxsmb22.sys


First of all sorry for the late answer.

So, "SysNative" is in fact redirecting to System32. This meens that "mrxsmb22.sys" is reappearing after the clean process.

Can you try with Malwarebytes as well?

Let me know if you need some more details.
