Re: Supprimé MPC Cleaner

Bonjour fr33tux,

Voici le rapport d'ADWCLEANER comme convenu :

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Rapport créé le 04/09/2016 à 19 : 15 : 28

 # Mis à jour le 12/08/2016 par ToolsLib

 # Base de données : 2016-09-03.2 [Serveur]

 # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 pro (X64)

 # Nom d'utilisateur : Corentin - CORENTIN

 # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Corentin\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.010.exe

 # Mode: Scan




As cocochepeau said, sorry for the confusion.


Did you uncheck the following elements prior AdwCleaner cleaning ?

***** [ Services ] *****
[!] Service not deleted: UCGuard
[!] Service not deleted: backlh
[!] Service not deleted: Quoteex
[!] Service not deleted: Kuaizip Update Checker
[!] Service not deleted: KuaiZipDrive2
[!] Service not deleted: SoEasySvc

Re: AdwCleanerfor me


If I understood correctly, you need some help removing some adwares ?

Can you share a scan logfile of AdwCleaner ? It will be a good start. :)


AdwCleanerfor me

on AdwCleaner by ****

ich hoffe das mir AdwCleaner beim Entfernen von Malware hilft


on AdwCleaner by ****


Great ! So can you share me the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt ?

We'll remove UCGuard then.


fr33tux, 2016-08-31 16:08:42 (UTC)

its here sorry for late reply

It here:

anhthe2812, 2016-08-31 16:13:42 (UTC)

^who is this guy ? sorry moderator but its not my file this guy just bumped in and...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

Thank you for your attention, I'll check in with you in a few days then! Cheers :)

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...


Thanks for the debug log. I'm working on it, and keep you informed asap (48-72 hours).

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode


I'm working on it closer, and I'll keep you informed asap (48-72hours).

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your help :)

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this. It is greatly appreciated.

In the debug log I see SimpleService.exe as a service being killed with no whitelist line under it but it appears that file isn't actually the file that keeps the remote session active anyways.

I manually killed the SimpleService.exe service and the remote session stays active with no problems.

Please see scree...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

Ahh yes, my mistake. Here are the two logfiles from a scan I just ran in Debug mode.


2016-09-03 18:38:49 :     <INFO>    [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file 2016-09-03 18:38:50 :     <INFO>    [main.gui] - Scan requested 2016-09-03 18:38:50 :     <INFO>    [scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner 2016-09-03 18:38:50 :     <INFO>    [scan] - Progress: 0% 20...