Re: SQLite3.dll

on AdwCleaner by ****

And here is the most recent logfile.  Again, it is working fine but I would like to know what caused the "SQLite3.dll cannot be loaded" error.

# AdwCleaner v5.031 - Logfile created 28/01/2016 at 11:13:20 # Updated 25/01/2016 by Xplode # Database : 2016-01-25.3 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 8.1  (x64) # Username : Aaron - AARON # Running from : C:\Users\Aaron\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe # ...

Re: SQLite3.dll

on AdwCleaner by ****


Can you share the logfiles, in C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S1].txt?

It seems to be a Windows issue according to the BSoD you got..

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-04-12 15:25:29 (UTC)

No, the BSoD was related to a driver doing something screwy during startup that hasn't done it since.  But here are some of the more recent logfiles:



# AdwCleaner v5.024 - Logfile created 12/12/201...


on AdwCleaner by ****

So recently I had a BSOD that forced my computer to reboot, and one of the first things I did after my computer recovered was start scanning for viruses.  Nothing came up but I ran into a strange error with ADWCleaner when I tried using it: it said that it couldn't load SQLite3.dll.  I clicked ok and ADWCleaner closed.  I tried running ADWCleaner again but didn't get the SQLite3.dll error and i...

Re: False Positive? C:\ProgramData\mntemp

# AdwCleaner v5.110 - Logfile created 12/04/2016 at 05:40:10
# Updated 10/04/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-04-11.4 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 10 Pro  (X64)
# Username : XXXXXX - XXXXXX
# Running from : C:\Program Files (x86)\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner_5.110.exe
# Option : Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found : C:\P...

Re: How to add files to "exclusion list", so adwCleaner does not kill processes during cleanup?


Do you have the exact name(s) of the processes, or a link where we can test it ?


How to add files to "exclusion list", so adwCleaner does not kill processes during cleanup?

on AdwCleaner by ****

I have a tool FixMe.IT Remote Desktop tool to cleanup a remote machine. But during the support session ADWCleaner kill the processes of FixMe.It Remote Desktop and I loose the session and I am not able to control the remote machine.

Is that possible to either add those tools to white-list or add to some sort of Exclusion list, so they are not killed during cleanup process.

False Positive? C:\ProgramData\mntemp

AdwCleaner has found the following:

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found : C:\ProgramData\mntemp

Folder Found : C:\ProgramData\Application Data\mntemp

-These appear during the startup of a program called Breakaway Audio Enhancer. I'm not sure if this is a FP or not. I've used Breakaway for a few years with no previous detections by AdwCleaner, but they have updated it for Windows 10 compati...

Re: Find but didn't remove MPC cleaner

Hi Leroy,

The AdwCleaner logfile shows us that MPC 's service is still present.

I'have already fought againt that service, and he is clearly well protected.

Actually, the best way to remove it, is to reinstall MPC completly, in order to uninstall it with it's own uninstall application.

The real problem here, is that some tools, like AdwCleaner, tries to remove it, but don't sucess completly...

Re: Find but didn't remove MPC cleaner

Hello Chapi, This is my last logfile: # AdwCleaner v5.110 - Logbestand aangemaakt 12/04/2016 op 00:33:44 # Laatste update 10/04/2016 door Xplode # Database : 2016-04-11.4 [Server] # Besturingssysteem : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) # Gebruikersnaam : Leroy - LEROY-PC # Gestart vanuit : C:\Users\Leroy\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.110.exe # Optie : Scannen # Ondersteuning : http://toolslib....


Hello Chapi,

here's my update on the last work:

I found the quarantine (MBAM too ;-), everything restored, no problem, thank you !

And MBAM (was busy the whole day long, more than a million files ... but no interference with SE ) detected several more entries in the registry, one js in Firefox and a Trojan whith Security Essentials already disposed in the trash. So nothing active and heavily...