Re: Issue with Microsoft Edge

I agree, not sure why this is only affecting edge. Internet Explorer and Chrome still work fine. I have a generic admin account on the PC that has the same issue and I am able to send you this via IE. Since I dont use this computer I dont know if this has been an issue prior to the suspicious activity ofr if it is new.

Windows IP Configuration

   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : user    P...

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I'll keep checking back over the next hour to see if you reply again.

EDIT: Tried to put log in code snippet, hopefully displays correct on your end >.<


Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     --  -- -----------
    127       8     1356       6572    67     0.03   1624   0 AdaptiveSleepService



v5.110 should fix this issue.


Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

Comme prévu, AdwCleaner a detecté les fichiers infectés :

Fichier infecté : C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative\dnsapi.dll
Fichier infecté : C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\dnsapi.dll

On va donc lui demander de les réparer :

  • Relance AdwCleaner.
  • Clique sur Scanner puis patiente le temps du scan.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, clique sur Nettoyer.
  • Une fois la suppression terminée, un message de prévention va s'afficher...

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

Salut :)

Très bien, effectivement ZHPDiag ne montre plus de trace de MPC. On va quand même vérifier que tout est bien parti.

Tu peux me fournir le rapport de MBAM :

  • Relance Malwarebytes -> clique sur Historique -> Journaux de l'application -> Sélectionne le dernier Journal d'examen -> Afficher.
  • Clique en bas sur [Exporter] -> fichier texte (*.txt) -> Choisis le bureau comme emplacement, nom...


Please refer to my message above :)



Thank you, this program solved my problem.  I am scared to use this program again, if this specific version again breaks my internet, winshokrest will help again? 



Yes, you can use it again if it breaks something (but it will not).



Thank you, this program solved my problem.  I am scared to use this program again, if this specific version again breaks my internet, winshokrest will help again? 



Please download WinsockReset , run it and click on "Proceed with defaults". Is the problem solved after that ?

If it's ok, please download this specific version of AdwCleaner, run a scan, then a clean and tell me if AdwCleaner still breaks your internet connection?



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