Re: Folder deleted by mistake

Here the content of the AdwCleaner-Directory:

 Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.  Volumeseriennummer: 267B-6D25

 Verzeichnis von C:\AdwCleaner

19.10.2016  13:25    <DIR>          . 19.10.2016  13:25    <DIR>          .. 18.10.2016  19:55         1.102.848 adwcleaner.db 18.10.2016  20:00             4.590 AdwCleaner[C0].txt 18.10.2016  19:55             4.453 AdwCleaner[S0].txt 19....

Re: impossible d'installer adwcleaner

Vous pouvez aussi l'héberger directement sur Up2Share puis me partager le lien renvoyé.

Pouvez-vous effectuer la marche à suivre afin de rechercher la présence de fichiers "sqlite3.dll" sur votre ordinateur ?

Re: Infected LNK, False positive ?


Pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivis tous les posts, la réponse a été donnée par fr33tux (administrateur) il y a déjà un bon bout de temps.

En bref:

"Je m'occupe de corriger ce faux-positif rapidement, d'ici là vous pouvez ignorer cette détection sans inquiétude."

Cordialement et, Merci à fr33tux.

Passant, 2016-10-20 05:43:55 (UTC)

Les expressions "bon bout de temps" et "rapide...

Re: Folder deleted by mistake

This is the more relevant information, sorry for pasting the wrong one first:  

# AdwCleaner v6.021 - Bericht erstellt am 18/10/2016 um 20:00:07
# Aktualisiert am 06/10/2016 von ToolsLib
# Datenbank : 2016-10-16.1 [Server]
# Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Benutzername : Rundschau - BUCHHALTUNG
# Gestartet von : C:\Users\Rundschau\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.021.exe

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

on AdwCleaner by rei

No quite, Very quick to jump to conclusions there, almost like it's premeditated. It may just be a case of a False Positive, as I mentioned we use 3rd party API of a very well known AV.  Our scans and errors reported are checked regularly and thoughroughlly by all the leading AV's, the Scareware accusation is completely baseless.

In order to understand why Reimage Repair is flagging this speci...

Re: Folder deleted by mistake

Hello 'cococheapau'!

Happy to hear from you - here is the requested (only one) logfile. The problem is with both of these  C:\Users\Rundschau\AppData\Roaming\orlando  C:\orlando

Kind regards from the Tyrol Ernst

# AdwCleaner v6.021 - Bericht erstellt am 18/10/2016 um 19:55:59
# Aktualisiert am 06/10/2016 von ToolsLib
# Datenbank : 2016-10-16.1 [Server]
# Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Professio...

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

OK, downloaded it, installed and ran.

IMHO, this is simple so called scareware. It found on my system one "trojan"

This is driver from well known tool AVZ. And I haven't tool to decline this "cure" and more, I have to buy a key to do something with this detection.

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

on AdwCleaner by rei

Hi Sandor.

Please download it directly from the homepage 

Interested in some feedback.  


Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

Reimage has 50,000+ active paid users.


rei, 2016-10-19 15:31:22 (UTC)

Would you please give us an official link where we could safely download subj for testing? Google leads only to a various software collection sites.

Re: Folder deleted by mistake


First of all, sorry for the inconvenience.

We'll try to recover your folder. Firstly, can you please share me the related clean logfile?

To do this:

  • Launch AdwCleaner and go to Logfile > Cleaning tab and double-click on the most recent one;
  • Then, please paste it in your next answer.
