Re: Error ADW

Could you try restarting your PC in safe mode with networking, install Malwarebytes, do a full scan with them and then attempt to scan with AdwCleaner. 

Before that, you could also use RKill to kill any malicious software before using anti-malware. Let me know if this helps.

Please check for F/P


these findings belong to Norton Safe Search.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Tue Aug 01 08:13:13 2017 # Updated on 2017/05/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 07-29-2017.2 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

PUP.Adware.Heuristic, syncagentsrv

***** [ Folders ] *****


Re: A nettoyer ou pas?


Merci pour votre réponse rapide ^^

Par curiosité et pour apprendre c'est quoi exactement?

Sachant que j'utilise d'autre logiciel et qu'ils n'ont rien vu, tel malwarebyte, ZHPCLEANER

Toujours avoir plusieurs logiciel on ne sait jamais ^^


Re: adwcleaner_7.0.0.0


Are you using the latest version ( It's available here:


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!


Here is the new version:

Please tell us if it works now.


Re: False positives?


Please download the new version (, it is available here:

Then, launch a new scan and copy/paste the results log in your next answer.


Re: Problems


Downloaded the program about 10 minutes ago.  Ran program and got the error messsage that says the program is outdated.  Are you now working in the future and posting programs that we cannot see yet?


Torrin, 2017-07-31 19:46:39 (UTC)

This issue is known and will be resolved in a couple of hours. In the meantime, you can just discard the outdated version message. Sorry for the...

Re: adwcleaner_7.0.0.0 win7 pro


i get this popup massge when starting cleaning and after that ,it freezes. " caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating". What is the problem?

thank you

Re: My AdwCleaner has a problem

@ayeye, Can you activate the debug mode (go to Tools > Options > tick "debug"), do a scan and a clean to trigger the crash. Then, please share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Please be patient and wait until tomorrow, as I already said :)