I owe you folks a huge thank you

I'd been wringing my hands for two days over a failed computer (laptop) and the possibility that my Acronis sector-by-sector Image backup was not restoring it to a usable state using the Arconis Recovery Media boot.  I tried it twice and each time it resulted in a BSOD.

Last night, I searched for a method to create a Windows Recovery Tools USB from another computer.  I first happened on the is...

Why Shop From Daily Deal India Websites?


It's picnic season rrncluding a favorite of many Rochester families is Letchworth State Park! With the endless hiking trails, incredible scenery throughout the gorge,pool, and playgrounds, one can't go afoul! This Memorial Day weekend, the park will host the Red, White and Blue Balloon Rally in Letchworth State Park(near the Castile entrance).


I must say which i don't go here to buy musi...

Win 10 suck so bad

after i installed Win 10 - everything on my computer is slow.  Programs take a while to open.

so i was downgrade to win 7

Win 10 is super bad.



Re: Recovery of win 10 system

 Hello Mrmodo ,

Booting problem is common issue which we usually face. There is several issue of booting problem. Some of them is a single corrupt byte on your hard drive, buggy boot driver or missing registry key. Because the master boot record can become corrupt, damage and disappear. There is some manual recovery option like safe mode, start up repair. It these option works it is good for u...

Hi all

Hello mate,

Hope you are quiet well so far. I would like to say hello to all. New guy here just open my account here. Waiting for your warm reception.


Download fails repeatedly

I've been trying to download Win14393PESE-X86 iso, windows recovery toolkit but it fails on multiple browsers. Less than 10% is downloaded on the laptop and no more than 50% through the phone.

How can I get a copy of the toolkit, is there another source?


Re: English translation

Well if he's ever interested, I'm sure there are people including me that could takeover development of these projects and update/translate them.  Sad to see these popular apps not being developed anymore :(

If he or whoever is in charge of these applications is interested, I could work on them.  It's not like we even need the source code, it's all in the .exe.

Will he be mad if I release an ...

AdvinstAnalytics Faux Positif ?


Lors d'une désinfection : scan et nettoyage par Adwcleaner


pour la ligne:

Deleted C:\Users\Rose Marie\AppData\Local\AdvinstAnalytics 

Mais supprimé par ADWcleaner,  il réapparait ensuite .

Envisageant un faux Positif, j'ai fait archivé le dossier AdvinstAnalytics pour avoir  fichier AdvinstAnalytics.7Z afin de l soumettre ce dernier  à Vir...

Re: Is my EXE infected?

I do not know if you have already done it, but when you have this kind of doubts you can use VirsuTotal or hybrid-analysis. Well here is the total virus scan: Virustotal Scan

EssentialPIM Stopped Working After Android Oreo Update


EssentialPIM was working fine when my Note 8 was running Android Nougat. I happen to receive the latest Android Oreo update today. But now as I will open the app it is only loading a blank screen on its start up and crashes after few secs of inactivity. How am I supposed to this fix error?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

