Re: Windows 10 Crashing


Same as here we'll need the list of running processes :

  1. Launch Powershell from the Applications Menu
  2. Write the following command in the opened window and press [Enter] :
Get-Process | Out-File Processes.txt


 In your personal folder (C:\Users\xx), you should get a file called Processes.txt. Please paste it here or host it on Up2Share as before.


Re: besoin aide


Ok. Trois autres lignes à supprimer :

  1. Exécutez ZHPFix (l'icône doit être présente sur votre bureau)
  2. Cliquez sur "Importer"
  3. Collez dans la fenêtre le contenu suivant, puis cliquez sur GO
Script ZHPFix

G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia]  mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia
P2 - EXT FILE: (...) -- C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox...

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

on AdwCleaner by ****

Thanks for the reply, but it leaves my main points unanswered.


But has you said, at least this folder doesn't exists any more and that's just what we want. :)"

No, I said the opposite! I did not want this entire folder removed, with its many subfolders.

Nor do I understand you explanation about 'duplicates'. I asked why the first line 'Folder deleted' is contradicted by the ...

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

Greetings terrypin,

first of all, sorry for the delay of my answer.

1. Deleted folder

I don't understand how I should interpret these entries: ***** [ Folders ] *****

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio

terrypin, 2015-09-14 07:46:49 (UTC)

Folder is deleted one time but AdwCleaner just made some duplicates by mi...

ADWcleaner looking for non existent hard drive

I've been using this software for years.  Today I ran it and it said "There is no disc in the drive.  Please insert a disk into Drive Device/hardisk/DR2".


I have tried running ADWC several times, including downloading it.  Checked my computer drives (C & D (data)) and they are fine.  Have no idea what this means.  To add insult to injury the only way to delete this popup is to use file mana...

Re: Malware ?

Bonjour à tous.

Je reviens vers vous afin de déterminer si je suis en présence d'un malware.

J'espère que vous pourrez m'aider.

Apparemment, un autre forum (sans me donner la solution) suspecte un virus issu de "SAPORO"

Lorsque j'effectue une analyse avec adwcleaner, voilà ce qu'il me trouve depuis déjà 4mois :


Je reposte le log reçu après analyse :

# AdwCleane...

Re: besoin aide


voici le lien pour le rapport :

Re: Nettoyage Général

on Désinfection by ****


Mon PC est un Sony Vaio VPCEH3K1E; 

Pour l'heure, c'est parce que j'ai vu que le problème des https barrés vennait souvent de là sur différents forum... 


Voici pour le rapport :


New user - puzzling behaviour

on AdwCleaner by ****


Just installed AdwCleaner v5.007 and ran it for first time.

I've uploaded the report here:

I'd appreciate advice on three points please:

1. Deleted folder

I don't understand how I should interpret these entries: ***** [ Folders ] *****

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Fold...

Re: besoin aide


j'ai tout fait , chrome va bien

Mozilla a encore quelques petits soucis , plus de redirection mais pas mal de pop up de pob malgré adblock que j'ai reinstallé
