Re: BSOD avec version 6.000

Re ;-)

Quand j'écris  "au reboot, non nettoyée" celà signifie clé toujours présente

Ce qui m'a ennuyé le plus c'est le blue screen of death (hard-reset obligé)

Jamais arrivé avant avec Adwleaner... du coup je n'ai pas refait la manip et je suis directement passé par regedit

pour supprimer la dite clé

A voir si le problème se reproduira plus tard...


Re: The new UI is inconvenient


Thanks for your message, really appreciate it.

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is malware so that we can go to it immediately (preferably with a shortcut key rather than the mouse).

Koala, 2016-08-13 00:31:48 (UTC)

We can definitely think about that indeed.

2.  This situation has ...

The new UI is inconvenient

Thank you very much for this software, which fills a significant gap in security software for PCs.  By way of constructive and appreciative comment, I would like to make three recommendations about the UI (I am working on a 23 inch monitor in Windows 10 Pro).

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is...

message d'erreur combofix même en assistant de compatibilité + carte micro sd de 4 Go non-reconnue

Bonjour à tous,


impatient par le très attendu Daemon Tools Pro version 8 et le très attendu Ashampoo Burning Studio 2017 qui vont sortir en cette fin d'année 2016, vers entre la rentrée de septembre et noel, j'ai des problèmes avec le lancement de combofix et ma carte micro sd de 4GO:


je lance Combofix, sous windows 10, en mode assistant compatibilité, mode paramêtres de compatibilités ...

Re: I can no longer login on Windows 10 after running Adwcleaner

I tried already, it gives me the same screen either way when I try to log in:

Click image for larger version.   Name: other user.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 32.4 KB  ID: 66261


It then will restart after about 30 seconds automatically.  I may have to try reinstalling Windows it seems.. :/


Thanks a lot. I never found the upload button, only the link one. By the way, this is the link of the screenshot:


I downloaded the Lightshot and screenshot it. Now I don't know how to post it here! Sorry I'm a newbie...



Can you share a screenshot of this warning message from your antivirus ?


Help I need to gain control of my home network and devices again

I am unsure of exactly what happened but I started noticing that my usual sites looked different and the addresses for them had also changed in the address bar. I could type in and it would redirect me to everytime. I started using F12 developer tools to look at the webpages and their sources. I noticed that they all were not t...

adware cleaner hangs

on AdwCleaner by ****

1. First question-does adware scan everything on the top line-services, files, folders or do I have to select?

2. Second question-after pressing "Clean" everything seems to hang forever-I can't then get out of Adware-screen dims & everything frozen

What am I doing wrong or not doing-please help
