It just attempts to remove it forever. Left it on for hours. Nothing happened.
It just attempts to remove it forever. Left it on for hours. Nothing happened.
Good day all,
I just wanna ask specialists that why AdwCleaner considers Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 as A malware, as shown in the photo's link, even though WebRoot Security Anyware give a negative response against it and considers it as normal software?
Thank you
Bonjour à tous,
après avoir effectué ma dernière analyse avec adwcleaner, ce dernier me trouve un service "esgiguard" présent sur mon pc (sous windows 7 64bit).
Malewarebytes, ne trouve rien du tout !
mon antivirus "eset nod32" ne trouve absolument rien lui non plus.
zhpfix et zhpcleaner m'ont supprimé quelques malwares.
Il semblerait que "esgiguard" serait lié à "spyhunter", qui avait été...
did not see how to attach a file so i did a paste of the adwcleaner txt file.
as soon as I click on adwcleaner.exe pop up box comes up saying
Casastrophic failure
have also right clicked and run ad admin, with same results, as I click on ok on the pop up box, it just bleeps and stays there. its not until i click on scan then click on ok of the pop up box that it finally goes away. the program does its scan, tells...
Thanks. Just give me some time to read these logfiles, and I'll answer back.
i got the url's additon.txt -
fixlog -
frst.txt -
shortcut.txt -
The right-click is on frst.exe.