Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

It just attempts to remove it forever. Left it on for hours. Nothing happened.


Good day all,


I just wanna ask specialists that why AdwCleaner considers Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 as A malware, as shown in the photo's link, even though WebRoot Security Anyware give a negative response against it and considers it as normal software?


Thank you


Service trouvé: esgiguard ?

Bonjour à tous,

après avoir effectué ma dernière analyse avec adwcleaner, ce dernier me trouve un service "esgiguard" présent sur mon pc (sous windows 7 64bit).

Malewarebytes, ne trouve rien du tout !

mon antivirus "eset nod32" ne trouve absolument rien lui non plus.

zhpfix et zhpcleaner m'ont supprimé quelques malwares.

Il semblerait que "esgiguard" serait lié à "spyhunter", qui avait été...

Re: Casastrophic failure

did not see how to attach a file so i did a paste of the adwcleaner txt file.

Casastrophic failure

as soon as I click on adwcleaner.exe pop up box comes up saying

Casastrophic failure

have also right clicked and run ad admin, with same results, as I click on ok on the pop up box, it just bleeps and stays there. its not until i click on scan then click on ok of the pop up box that it finally goes away. the program does its scan, tells...