Can you please launch AdwCleaner, then start a new scan and past the logfile content on your next answer?
Thank you.
Can you please launch AdwCleaner, then start a new scan and past the logfile content on your next answer?
Thank you.
Tout d'abord, désolé pour la réponse tardive. Nous essayons de résoudre le problème aussi vite que possible..
Avez-vous essayé de cocher un autre dossier ? Comment se comporte AdwCleaner dans ce cas ?
reading that makes me understant that you'd never understand the use of an antivirus
almost each tool is detected like malware by virus total, and the only antiviruses which detect tools like viruses are bad antiviruses ( if you look kaspersky , malwarebytes or others bests antiviruses , they don't detect it )
before writing anything, trying to think please.
the tool scans the system ...
im download adwclener form toolslib.net and scan from virustotal.com
why have virus ? it ok ?
SHA256: | 5ac00723e6a00d86de74f3c50ef99e8f1c3f8976b8f5f484126534cc48308855 |
File name: | adwcleaner_6.021.exe |
Detection ratio: | 3 / 57 |
ClamAV | Win.Trojan.Philadelphia-1 | 20161... |
Hi Guys.
Thankyou very much for creating Adwcleaner, it has been very helpful in my work as an IT Consultant.
However, in recent versions, it has been falsely detecting folders belonging to Phoenix by AgData, a legitimate farm management program.
Please therefore add:
C:\Program Files\AG...
I perfomed a new rescan. The results is: Adv-2.jpg, and S5 + C5 logfile.
After computer rebooted I does a new scan, and the result is Adv-3.jpg and S6 logfile. The all is located in (ZIP):
with BR, Lajos
thank your for the help.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Scan Date: 2016-10-16
Scan Time: 20:31
Logfile: 2016_10_16_AP_Logs.txt
Administrator: Yes
Malware Database: v2016.10.16.07
Rootkit Database: v2016.09.26.02
License: Free
Malware Protection: Disabled
Malicious Website Protection: Disabled
Self-protection: Disabled
OS: Windows 7 Servic...
No it is not. :(
thanks for let me know .... so Winupdatefix is no longer under updated ?
Rien de fonctionne, pas de connexion rien du tout. Je suis connectée au réseau wifi mais il me dit pas d'internet et au niveau de la connexion ethernet rien non plus, je n'ai même pas l'icone en bas à droite dans la zone de notification...