Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

on AdwCleaner by rei

Thanks for the support alowe56.  Reimage has been playing by strict guidlines for just over 1 year now.  I am very confident in how the operation is run today.

Destrio5 - Hard not to laugh at that comment as pretty much everyone with a 5th grade education puts 2 spaces after a period.  As you an see online, we don't do much (or any) damage control on user feedback.  We also wouldn't pose as a ...

Adwcleaner false positive

Hi Guys.

Thankyou very much for creating Adwcleaner, it has been very helpful in my work as an IT Consultant.

However, in recent versions, it has been falsely detecting folders belonging to Phoenix by AgData, a legitimate farm management program.

Please therefore add:




C:\Program Files\AG...

Re: Plus d'internet suite nettoyage ADWcleaner


Lancez l'invite de commande en tant qu'administrateur puis exécutez les commandes suivantes :

  • cd C:\
  • ipconfig /all > "ipconfig.txt"

Le résultat de la commande "ipconfig /all" devrait alors se trouver à la racine de votre disque dur C:\ dans le fichier "ipconfig.txt".

Vous pourrez alors copier le résultat dans votre prochaine réponse.


Problema con AdwCleaner

Hace un tiempo, cada vez que escaneo me sale para limpiar la carpeta C:\users\Pepe. ¿Porque ocurre esto? Pueden orientarme. Gracias. Un saludo

Re: Lucky123

# AdwCleaner v6.020 -  03/10/2016  16:17:36

***** [ Usługi ] *****

Wykryto usługę: winsaber Wykryto usługę: CornerSunshineSvc

***** [ Foldery ] *****

Wykryto folder: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Corner Sunshine Wykryto folder: C:\Users\...\Documents\Play Wykryto folder: C:\ProgramData\sozy Wykryto folder: C:\ProgramData\Application Data\sozy Wykryto folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSaber ...

Re: Plus d'internet suite nettoyage ADWcleaner

J'ai l'impression qu'ils sont identiques et pourtant j'en avais deux.

Re: ADW claener ne supprime pas les virus


Avant le nettoyage par AdwCleaner, pouvez-vous *dé*cocher l'élément "C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Rocket" dans l'onglet dossiers ?


Re: Lucky123


You've already used another topic to ask for help:!messageId-9052

Please use only one topic, here. Someone will answer in three days at most.

Can you share AdwCleaner logfiles ?


Re: New *October 2016 * Adwcleaner "Cleans" identified issues, and they return upon reboot


First of all, sorry for the late answer. Thanks for letting us know.

Only the registry elements keep coming back or is it also the same case for startup URLs?

