I added "f-secure" to the whitelist, it shouldn't be detected now. It was detected because of the keyword "safesearch" which is often used by adwares.
I added "f-secure" to the whitelist, it shouldn't be detected now. It was detected because of the keyword "safesearch" which is often used by adwares.
Pouvez-vous utiliser la dernière version d'AdwCleaner ?
Et de la même façon, une analyse simple.
@Papabear, I don't see any false positive in your last report...
Le pc d'un voisin semble avoir une inflationnite du dossier winsxs. Le dossier fait 18Go et la partition C est du coup en manque d'espace. (30Go)
Il s'agit d'un Windows Vista SP2. Une idée pour y faire le ménage proprement ? J'ai déjà nettoyé les fichiers gardés lors des installations des Service Pack sans que cela soit vraiment efficace (compcln.exe).
Merci pour vos lumières !
# AdwCleaner v5.032 - Rapport créé le 02/02/2016 à 18:53:24 # Mis à jour le 31/01/2016 par Xplode # Base de données : 2016-01-31.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home (x64) # Nom d'utilisateur : lionelbedfer - LIONEL # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\lionelbedfer\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.032.exe # Option : Nettoyer # Support : http://toolslib.net/forum ***** [ Services ] ***** ***...
could you please take look at this LOG: i think it it a "false/positive"-detection. Im using "F-Secure internet security" and
this software is always installing plug-ins when the a browser is started for the first time after the installation. I created a new Windows-User Account and F-Secure asked me (when i launched Firefox) if i want to install 2 plug-ins that are included with this f-s...
xplode, thanks for chiming in, and thanks for adwcleaner.. build 5.32 works fine on my windows xpsp3 computer..
it has been hit-and-miss with adwcleaner, over the past several months.. one build will work with win xp and the next one won't..back and forth..
in my opinion, adwcleaner should not be set, by default, to restore the default winsock settings (or anything else).. i imagine that caus...
# AdwCleaner v4.103 - Rapport créé le 01/02/2016 à 10:01:32
# Mis à jour le 01/12/2014 par Xplode
# Database : 2016-01-31.1 [Live]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows Vista (TM) Business (32 bits)
# Nom d'utilisateur : MACARIO - PC-DE-MACARIO
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\MACARIO\ivi et omnia\adwcleaner_4.103.exe
# Option : Nettoyer
***** [ Services ] *****
Service Supprimé : SafetyBrowsingSer...
I just spent the past 2 days trying to rid myself of a google chrome extension from hell, that AdwCleaner would delete & then it would miraculously reappear. I finally stumbled upon a future/present? genius who realized that along with the amazing 35,000 bookmarks I have...the wonderful google servers will also sync malware...or remnants of deleted extensions. Please (please!) help save other...
Sorry, I no longer have access to that computer with XP. All three my computer (Win7 64) all versions of AdwCleaner working fine.