faux positif PDFForge (pdf creator


depuis très longtemps le programme pdf creator (imprimante pdf open source) est détecté dans adwcleaner, je prends du coup 5 min pour le déclarer faux positif ;) :


folder section : 


registry section : 


[x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\pdfforge



je viens égal...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Hi Xplode,

The log that generates after choosing debug mode is as follow, as you can see from it, it doesn't complete the scan. On the progress bar it doesn't show anything.

2015-10-31 17:11:16 : [Notice]		Scan started
2015-10-31 17:11:16 : [Success]		Internet connection is UP
2015-10-31 17:11:16 : [Success]		Loaded C:\Users\MY\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2015-10-31 17:11:16 : [Success]		O...

Re: Problem AdwCleaner

Hello Alexander13,

Normally, ADWCleaner is able to remove adware even on 64-bits computers.

In fact I suspect that if the adware is not remove, it is because ADWCleaner don't know him yet, but if it is the case I will warn it's developper.

To be sure, I need the ADWCleaner log, you will find him in :

  • Can you please go in C:\AdwCleaner, you might find the log in here. Just post it's content ...

Re: Problem AdwCleaner

Hello Alexander13,

If I understand, you have use ADWCleaner but this isn't enough ?

Can you please post the log file ?

To understand what's happening on your conputer, can you use ZHPDiag :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website.
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click).
  • Then upload the log file on up2share.
  • Then post the link in your reply.

With that log file we ...

Re: AdwCleaner v.5.013 cannot delete


Sorry for the delay.

  1. Please download CCleaner,
  2. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours.
  3. Then in Options  tab > Surveillance, untick the both boxes.
  4. In the Clean tab, click on "Clean".
  5. When the cleaning is done, go in the "Registry" tab, click on "Find errors" and then "Fix".

Then, re-launch AdwCleaner, update it to v5.014 and mak...

Faux positif safesearch.avira.com ?

on AdwCleaner by xyz


C'est apparu il y a quelques jours après une mise à jour d'Avira qui m'a demandé de redémarrer mon ordinateur. D'ailleurs, cela a changé ma page par défaut sur Internet Explorer que je n'utilise pas mais que j'ai remarqué après ce scan.

Voici le rapport complet :

# AdwCleaner v5.014 - Rapport créé le 24/10/2015 à 08:17:32
# Mis à jour le 18/10/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 20...

Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner

on AdwCleaner by ****


here is the report

# AdwCleaner v5.013 - Rapport créé le 15/10/2015 à 09:18:04
# Mis à jour le 09/10/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2015-10-13.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (x86)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Alexandra - POSTE1-PC
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Alexandra\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\72S10...

Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?

bonjour, merci pour les explications.

non je n'ai pas pu charger firefox a partir de IE car ça me renvoyait sur le site mozilla qui bloquait completement avec son histoitre de certificat et HSTS.

et je n'ai charge sans avast que delfix qui avait sonc cette date de 2010 ce qui m'a etonne. je l'ai ensuite efface et rechargé une fois remise la date ormale a partir de firefox.

mais une fois pige...

Re: How to ignore specific programs from Adwcleaner scan

I'm aware that I can "uncheck" specific items.  Unfortunately, I have no way to know if I have correctly identified all required items - specially in the area of the registry, where the items may not be easy to identify - and I have no way to mark these choices (that I'm aware of) as "permanent" so that I don't have to go through the same procedure each time I perform a scan.

Re: AdwCleaner v.5.013 cannot delete


Thanks. The registry key seems locked but unused (it's harmless).

Can you export it :

  • Download RegToolExport
  • Paste the following content in the text field, and click on [Exporter]
  • Then, upload the .reg file on Up2Sha.re and share me the link.

I'd like a new ZHPDiag report to check (please refer to the instructions above).
