Are you using the latest version ( It's available here:
Are you using the latest version ( It's available here:
Thanks for your reply. There was one more thing that wasn't working that I forgot to mention, the HP Simple Pass fingerprint reader for logging in. There may have been more. Fortunately I did have a system image, and I restored everything. I have to say I was more than surprised that 18 items were flagged for deletion, I have MalwareBytes and AntiExploit Premium running, I am very picky when it...
I'll make some tests, and the changes may be effective in the v6, coming in a few weeks.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Best regards,
this application is for licensed users only. It´s an email application like Microsoft Exchange with server and client modules. We installed it over 10 years ago and did periodically updates until to the actual state.
The latest version can be downloaded under:
The client module is up...
Indeed, it's in the database. Can you provide the download link where you got the David Client ?
Best regards,
The last times I run AdwCleaner it shows some folders of the german email client program Tobit David to delete. Can this be right? We use this program for over 10 years and we don´t know any adware. Is this false positve detection? There are shown the following folders:
Bei den letzten Scans mit AdwCleaner wird der deutsche Email-Client Tobit David als zu löschen angezeigt. Das kann doch nicht...
I run AdwCleaner every few days. Every time I do it detects, and deletes, the following:
***** [ Registry ] *****
[-] Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{10921475-03CE-4E04-90CE-E2E7EF20C814}
***** [ Web browsers ] *****
[-] [C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data] [Search Provider] Deleted :
What can I do t...
Greetings davidk,
AdwCleaner is a portable software. This means that no installation is required in order to use it. You just have to launch the previously downloaded executable that you can find on this page :
If you don't understand something, here is the english documentation :
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