AdwCleaner has stopped woring

I tried using AdwCleaner version, but every time it stopped working.

I already tried "Mode > Debug", "Database > Local", Uninstalled AdwCleaner and running it as admin.

I'm using Windows 10 Pro with Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2018 (no warnings from Bitdefender).

I owe you folks a huge thank you

I'd been wringing my hands for two days over a failed computer (laptop) and the possibility that my Acronis sector-by-sector Image backup was not restoring it to a usable state using the Arconis Recovery Media boot.  I tried it twice and each time it resulted in a BSOD.

Last night, I searched for a method to create a Windows Recovery Tools USB from another computer.  I first happened on the is...

Confusing filenames

The ADW Downloads page currently offers three downloads:

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Release

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Beta

AdwCleaner    7.4       Release

I had previously downloaded the Beta when only the second and third lines were there (it seemed to work well),   When the top line appeared this morning, I assumed from the filename that the Release was the same file, but I wondered about it, an...

Uninstall current version-Pre Installation software deleted-unable to restore


After new version runs it is not retained by system.  Old version still in place.  

After downloading the new version, the product kept picking up my HP Support Assistant and one other HP Framework item as pre-installed software.  So I thought I followed the instructions, but somehow it deleted those HP items and would not let me restore them.  I have now been trying to restore the...

Re: My Auslogics DIsk Defrag is malware?


I invite you to first use the latest versoin of AdwCleaner (available here: Feel free to post your scan log here if you want confirmation before pushing the clean button.

The v6 is probably using an outdated detection database.


Re: Recovery of win 10 system

 Hello Mrmodo ,

Booting problem is common issue which we usually face. There is several issue of booting problem. Some of them is a single corrupt byte on your hard drive, buggy boot driver or missing registry key. Because the master boot record can become corrupt, damage and disappear. There is some manual recovery option like safe mode, start up repair. It these option works it is good for u...

Recovery of win 10 system

Using the recovery boot tool and it came up perfectly, I went to the Drive that I needed to look at.  It indicated the directory or file was corrupted and I would like to know if there is any way to rebuild it.  I am trying to save pictures located on the HD for a friend as the PC (desktop) failed.  Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Download fails repeatedly

I've just successfully downloaded this using Chrome on Samsung S9, thanks very much for sorting this. Many people will benefit from easy access to Kyhi's Win10 recovery toolkit.


Re: False positive with and now


Sorry for the delay.

We do care about feedbacks, but it happens we miss some. We actually added a new way to report us False Positive in the latest version, using a right-click > "Submit FP" on an item of a scan results.

Your FP is confirmed and has been removed some time ago, you don't need to take any specific action as the definitions will update by themselves.


Re: False Positives

Is this still being looked at (see first response)?  I am using 7.2.1 instead.