AdwCleaner 6.000

by fr33tux
Hello there, its been a while since our last blog post about AdwCleaner. The reason is simple: the new release of AdwCleaner, v6.000, is now available for everyone on the official download page!
Thanks to the new code base, it’s considered as a major release which brings countless improvements, bug fixes, and new features. Here are a few important ones:

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Renewal of the SSL/TLS certificate

by fr33tux
The current SSL certificate expires in a few days, so it's time to renew it. Here's the signed fingerprint of the new certificate, issued by Gandi.

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Comment nous gérons l'augmentation du traffic et des données hébergées sur ToolsLib.

by fr33tux
Chaque jour, nous gérons un traffic entrant et sortant grandissant. Nous sommes passés à l'échelle supérieure la semaine dernière, et ce plus tôt que ce à quoi nous nous attendions, mais les résultats sont là.
Nous voulons donc partager les chiffres, les graphiques accompagnés d'explications sur la façon dont nous gérons ce traffic et cette quantité de données de plus en plus importants.

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How do we handle a permanently increasing traffic on ToolsLib.

by fr33tux
Everyday we deal with an increasing traffic, coming from and to ToolsLib. These last weeks have been interesting to follow since we moved to a larger scale a bit earlier than expected.
We want to share some figures, graphs and explanations about how we deal with an important traffic and increasing data quantity on our infrastructure.

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AdwCleaner v5.036 - GUI improvements

by Xplode
Some GUi improvements in AdwCleaner's v5.036

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Bleeping Computer vs Enigma Software Group USA

by fr33tux
Due to a negative review of Spyhunter by one of its member, BleepingComputer is facing lawsuit with Enigma Software, Spyhunter editor. By solidarity, we publish this blogpost. It contains the lawsuit, a screenshot of the Bleeping Computer call to help and the concerned review of SpyHunter.

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Some updates that will warm you up during these cold times

by fr33tux
A pretty huge update has been published saturday evening on ToolsLib. It was mainly focused on the interface usability and software presentation, but also added improvements in the way developers get feedbacks from their users.

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What we've done in 2015... and what's planned for 2016 !

by fr33tux
A lot of work has been accomplished in 2015, from the opening of new sections on the platform, to the consolidation of the underlying infrastructure.. Thanks to all this work, we are ready to open more features in 2016. Let's see together what is planned !

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Latest improvements from the sysadmin team

by fr33tux
There has been major improvements made by the sysadmin team these last weeks. Even if it's not visible, we want to explain what has been made and what benefit will bring to you.

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Un pas de plus pour la communauté !

by fr33tux
Depuis toujours, nous pensons qu'une grande communauté est formée par développeurs et utilisateurs, mais au sein de laquelle il n'est pas toujours évident d'échanger.
Ainsi, comme ce fut le cas pour le blog, nous ouvrons aujourd'hui une nouvelle section du site qui permet d'échanger simplement et rapidement : un problème avec un logiciel ? Il y a très probablement quelqu'un pour vous aider. Vous êtes développeur et vous avez une demande à faire à vos utilisateurs pour la prochaine version de votre programme ? C'est l'endroit parfait !

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