I tried running ADW Cleaner but it stops / freezes and I have to use the task manager to close it down.

Want to attach image of pop up window but do not know how to attach to this post.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the reason could be?

I am running Windows 7 Pro. 64bit

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Not sure, it seems like lately a lot of people are experiencing crashes on older systems. Windows 10 doesn't have issues as far as I am aware. But it's not about Win10. Could you try running a beta version and see if that helps? Just click on the beta, choose the latest version, download and run. Keep us updated.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Or simply wait until tomorrow. Renewed version should be released. Try it.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Update.....I uninstalled the latest version of AdwCleaner that I was using (not the beta) and installed the previous older version and it worked fine.


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Please be patient and wait until tomorrow, as I already said :)

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!


Here is the new version: https://toolslib.net/downloads/finish/1-adwcleaner/

Please tell us if it works now.


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Weird how older version works but never doesn't.... That shouldn't be the case, let's hear if the new version solves the problem.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Does not work!  It stops / freezes with the same pop up window saying "caught". I tried the older version immediately after and it worked fine. Then went back and tried the newest version again....but it failed agan.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Does not work!  It stops / freezes with the same pop up window saying "caught". I tried the older version immediately after and it worked fine. Then went back and tried the newest version again....but it failed agan.

OB1947D, 2017-08-01 13:34:02 (UTC)


Can you share the debug logfile? (click on Tools > Options > tick Debug and do a scan/clean to trigger the bug. Then, share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_debug.log). Your case might be very helpful to help to fix this issue.


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Does not work!  It stops / freezes with the same pop up window saying "caught". I tried the older version immediately after and it worked fine. Then went back and tried the newest version again....but it failed agan.

OB1947D, 2017-08-01 13:34:02 (UTC)


Can you share the debug logfile? (click on Tools > Options > tick Debug and do a scan/clean to trigger the bug. Then, share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_debug.log). Your case might be very helpful to help to fix this issue.


fr33tux, 2017-08-02 01:56:00 (UTC)


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

same problem by using


DEBUG [9884] [AdwCleanerSDK::Folders::CleanFolder@114] [!]

Fatal error 2017-08-03 06:53:17.854 DEBUG [8836] [MainUI::OnClose@632] [!] Initializing exit sequence...-32000



Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

.double post  -  sorry



Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

This issue is fixed in the coming beta, published very soon..

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Thank you for the update my friend.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Can you try with this one: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/files/1040/ ?

fr33tux, 2017-08-04 02:06:58 (UTC)

I did, but it failed also. I had to use the task manager to get it to stop "running" even after it "froze". I caqn't afford to have my computer break down....so I do not want to try it again. All I have that's worthwhile in this life is my computer and my dog!  LOL.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Sorry for that, it was only partially fixed yesterday.

It will be ok in tonight beta.

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Is there a possible reason we could get for a crash? Is it the application or system issues? 

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!


It's an application issue, in the way it deals with folders..

Can you give a try to this one: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/files/1042/ ?


Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Hi, I had the same problem, it would do a scan and then when I would clean it would stop right away and say Caught and some other things can't think of offhand but it would not let me x it out and would have to minimize it and then right click to close window.  That was from the time it went from 7.0.0 to the 7.0.1.  I know it changes after a few weeks or so so I have been checking every few days.  Just saw this last post with the link and I downloaded it and it is working again and does not show up anything.  I am on Windows 8.1.  Thank you administrator, I am up and working again!  I did screenshots of it all if you would want them but you would have to tell me how to get them to you, I do not see any place to attach anything here.  

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Glad to see everything is working again. 7.0.2 seems to be a lot more stable than other versions, hopefully, this continues. Also, you could upload your pictures to a free image upload site and paste the links here :)

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