Re: False Positive ?


Sorry for the late answer. The World of Warcraft detection will be fixed in the next release. And for FreeDownloadManager it seems we're keeping the detection - so not a FP.


Re: Unwanted ads

Thank you cocochepeau I forgot to add  ????

Re: Safe USB ?

Hello alisondmurray

Welcome to ToolsLib Forum ~

I'm not quite sure what you are asking?  If I have to guess are to trying to say how to safely remove USB?  

To safely remove an USB please see this PC Magazine article

Hope this helps.

Warmest Regards.


Re: Archive Old Threats


Sounds good, I'll work on it in the coming weeks.

Thanks for your feedback. :)

Re: Recevoir le bulletin


C'est tout à fait normal, nous n'envoyons que très rarement des bulletins d'information. Cela pourrait par contre changer d'ici quelques mois.


Recevoir le bulletin

Bien qu'étant inscrite à votre site, je ne reçois aucun bulletin d'information de votre part. Est-ce normal ? Merci d'avance.

Faux positif ? Supprime lecteurs d'empreintes sur PC portable HP


Avec la version, détection de (la suppression supprime le lecteur d'empreinte sur un PC portable HP)

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon|Userinit

qui est dans le registre

C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,C:\Program Files (x86)\DigitalPersona\Bin\DPAgent.exe,

Analyse du fichier "DPAgent.exe" par VirusTotal

Ratio de détection : 0 / 66

Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

appreciated,hope it was of help eventho it sounded like this was known to you guys before

Re: Archive Old Threats

Hi there @cocochepeau,

Create "Archive Old Threads" under forum categories and have your programmer pull into this section all the old threads one year and older.  This would clean up the forum.  Any user can find old threads under this new tab.

Hope this helps.


Re: Hello everyone

Hello and welcome to ToolsLib!

Please take a look at this thread first:


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:51:15 (UTC)

Hi @cocochepeau,

If I may add, in addition to your link above, also include a link (for Newbies) to the forum guidelines/rules.

Just my opinion.  ????
