Re: probleme scan adwcleaner

@bideaumichele Je vous invite à créer votre propre sujet de discussion. Merci.

Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

It was fixed here yesterday. Today I have done a scan and the immunization entries are detected again. So the huge number is back.

AdwCleaner not responding at post actions

Accidentally installed adware on my computer. It did things like turning malwarebytes into a untrusted publisher. Fixed that but now AdwCleaner stops responding once it reaches post actions.

Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

Unfortunately still not fixed here in Australia. Still finding many entries by Spyware Blaster. After I ran Adwcleaner 7 I checked with Spyware Blaster and it reported many items without protection. Then AdwCleaner wanted to remove them again.  Previous Adwcleaner finds nothing.  

Why hasnt it been fixed for us over here?

Re: Version scaling over 100%

It appears to be one. I have had multiple issues in the past with windows scaling, it just breaks applications. Not just ADWCleaner, but most of the applications. Only a few people do the scaling though, so globally it is not an issue. But yeah, maybe official representatives have some thoughts on this, I would like to know myself.

Version scaling over 100%


a member of the german Firefox Forum ( had found a possible issue. He has a scaling over 100% (actual 125%) at a resolution 1920 x 1080 px and text-size middle. Now the Opions-GUI won't sizes at the actual scaling. So it dosn't shows all elements. Is this a bug ?

best regards



nouvelle version 7.000

Une exception non gérée s'est produite. Appuyez sur Annuler pour terminer le programme pour réessayer de quitter le programme normalement et ignorer pour tenter de continuer.

Voici le texte qui s'affiche ( en anglais ), alors que l'analyse n'est pas terminée et, impossible de la reprendre.

Cet incident ne se produit pas sur mon portable. J'en déduis qu'il y a sur le "fixe" quelque chose qui "...

Re: Adwcleaner

Bonjour !

Je suis en train de corriger le souci je vous partagerai une version sous peu pour confirmer que c'est bien résolu.


Re: vers 7.0


The quarantine is in C:\AdwCleaner, but its format is different than how the v6 handled it, and the folders you mentionned above are related to the v6. It's not an issue, both can coexist.

It's possible that the detected elements have not been quarantined because they weren't considered as "dangerous" if being removed.




J'ai fait un scan avec la version précédente fin juin. Rien de positif.

Je viens de télécharger la version, et je ne peux terminer le scan. Presque à la fin de l'analyse ( 3 tentatives), un pavé m'annonce " un problème a fait que le programme a  cessé de fonctionner correctement. Windows va fermer ce programme, et vous indiquer si une solution est disponible.

Quel peut être ...