Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

Thanks. AdwCleaner still detects 12 reg keys. One is the value I deliberately changed :

PUP.Optional.Legacy, [Value] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext | DisableAddonLoadTimePerformanceNotifications


***** [ Registry ] *****

PUP.Optional.GameVance, [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{02F0243C-2E71-4A1A-A790-6C30888119D0} PUP.O...

vers 7.0


first thxs so much for the upgrade to 7!

i notice that with 6.047 no obj found and with new 7 up to 260...

anyway i push the -clean- button and at re start no obj found.

but after turn off completely the pc and then after hours re-turn on the pc i re found always the 260 obj by yr tool..why..??

they are all reg keys as ie activex etcc...

i've win 10 home 64 creators update vers 1703


Re: After install Torch browser from the official page adwcleaner detects malware 18


Sorry for the delay and thanks for letting us know.

Please come back if you have any issues!

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, thanks, I have to wait the next update because I deleted this installer from %temp%. But I clicked on the exe in the generated folder and it seems ok, a real comodo app: here what I see, perhaps a "new product":

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi again, sorry a question: is this a new very strange updating system or a malware? thanks

  found in %temp% and I was asked at boot by UAC if I want to run it. I deleted it and stop. Today, since I have a clean disk image (thanks for your previous help), I accepted and clicked on OK. Online I find fast nothing about this autorun installer, released by Comodo on 30th june.thanks.

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

Dear Sirs,

I apologize for the enormous delay.

I was out of the country and all this kind of correspondence was only on my desktop.

No expansion needed ! 

The software is great - 100%. I am very happy about it. This was not a complaint, but just an interesting detail, that I found while testing it.

I appreciate very much your reply, as a prove of care and respect to all participants and us...

Re: A bug in Delfix

on DelFix by regist

Do you have an alternative?

YisroelTech, 2017-06-20 02:37:35 (UTC)

Yes, you have to think by yourself and not to use some strange tools. There are not too many tools used in curing that have a special option to clean itself. So in most cases its enough to simply delete its folder and there'll be no described here problems. Some of tools have its own unistaller like AdwCleaner (thou in last...

Re: A bug in Delfix

I've often seen false positives in this utility, so I advise not to use it at all.

regist, 2017-04-26 09:00:22 (UTC)

Do you have an alternative?

Problème de batterie ou de charge Sony VGP-BPL10

Bonjour,  Alors voilà, en fait j'ai actuellement un problème avec mon ordinateur portable (offert par ma région). Il ne veut plus se charger et me met comme message "Un problème de Sony VGP-BPL10 batterie a été detecté, votre ordinateur risque de s'arrêter subitement". Or mon oridnateur n'a pas plus d'un an! De plus la garantie ne prend pas en charge les problèmes de batterie, et il m'est impos...