Issue with Mirillis Action(recording software)

Hello, please excuse my poor English.

AdwCleaner detected 3 threats in registry.

And I've found out they are automatically created every time I run Mirillis Action.

Not detected in other softwares (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Junkware Removal Tool,

Ad-Aware antivirus, Ahnlab v3, Norton Power Eraser).

# AdwCleaner v6.020 - Logfile created 29/09/2016 at 19:50:12

# Updated on 14/09/2016 by T...

MENACES Alerte sur PC

Hier 26 9 2016, je reçois 2 notifications d'alerte graves (ne pas redemarrer etc )

Je venais d'acceder à un site d'ebook et journaux. Je viens de voir que mon WINDOWS 10 avait été mis automatiquement à jour le 25/9...

Je telephone au N° indiqué sur la notification. Un technicien se connecte chez moi par TEAMVIEWER, utilise ADWCleaner, chica PC-Shield mais me déclare qu'il ne peut supprimer to...

Re: Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

Fix result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 12-09-2016
Ran by samsung (14-09-2016 06:57:02) Run:1
Running from C:\Users\samsung\Desktop
Loaded Profiles: samsung (Available Profiles: samsung & DefaultAppPool)
Boot Mode: Normal

fixlist content:
bl (x32 Version: 1.0.0 - Your Company Name) ...

Soporte [ESP / ENG] Support ~ USB File Resc

USB File Resc se compromete estar actualizado y al día contra virus que generan accesos directos y/o dañan nuestros archivos en nuestro Disco Extraíble (USB). Sin embargo no puedo hacer esta tarea yo solo, necesito la ayuda de todos ustedes. ¿Y cómo me pueden ayudar?. Es sencillo; ustedes se encargan de enviarme el virus y yo me encargo de estudiarlo y añadirlo al USB File Resc. (si van a envia...

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...


the change is effective with the definitions updates (automatically done at the beginning of a scan if you have an active network connection). You can copy/paste the logfile in your answer if you're unsure about which definitions you have).

For the donation, you can refer to this page: If you have any question, just ask.

Best regards,

Re: You homies be messing up, but it's all good haha


Indeed, it automatically checks if the definitions have been updated or not, and fetch them if needed.

Thanks for the feedback,

Re: You homies be messing up, but it's all good haha

on AdwCleaner by ****

Yes, sure. It seems to me like it tries to rid of the items found, but they are untrusted and should be there. In addition, when I just let it do its automatic thing, upon reboot, in Firefox the No-Script was completely reset and I have to allow again for each new site I visit. Thanks!

Installation intempestive de Adguard sur Chrome

on AdwCleaner by ****


Je pense avoir récolté un virus ou autre menace (je suis sous windows 8.1) qui provoque l'action suivante:

Installation automatique et systématique de l'application Adguard sous Chrome avec l'impossibilité de la désinstaller, ce qui me fait penser que c'est une application frelatée.

Les programmes adwcleaner, spybot Search&distroy et Malwarebytes sont inefficaces.

La désinstallatio...

Re: Registry-Einträge beantandet aber Dienste nicht gelöscht


Sorry to answer in English.

These false-positive have been fixed with a recent database update (should be automatic when you do a scan).

Best regards,

Re: Can't remove these


It has been fixed with the latest database update (it will be updated automatically).

Sorry for the inconvenience,