Language of applications (eg adwcleaner_6.0440

Hi. I live in Taiwan, but want adwcleaner in English. It seems to automatically download a Chinese version. How can I get it in English? 

Re: Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace


Vous pouvez effectivement décocher les éléments en question lors de l'utilisation d'AdwCleaner mais nous ne le recommandons simplement pas. À noter que l'utilisation de la liste blanche/d'exclusion sera nettement améliorée dans la prochaine version majeure d'AdwCleaner.



It's a feature that will be included in the coming version.



Dear developers,

I am using software that is a P2P software and AdwCleaner delete everything related to it, but I need them

Is it possible to whitelist them


Here the log file regarding these files that I had to exclude manually


***** [ Folders ] *****

[!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\AppData\LocalLow\.acestream [!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\Ap...

Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace

Salut à tous,

Je viens de faire l'analyse avec la version adwcleaner_6.044.

Résultat: 5 menaces détectées, toutes concernant le programme Wise Registry Cleaner.

***** [ Dossiers ] *****

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\jean\AppData\Roaming\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Wise\W...

Re: Problems with adwcleaner

I've tried the beta on both and on the one that wouldn't let me uninstall it worked to uninstall and then ran normally. The other I still get the tabs opening and the sqlite3.dll error. I have noticed with both computers and versions when the window opens the area for the logo is blank. I don't know that it means anything but I thought I'd mention it.

Re: Problems with adwcleaner


Can you try with this version :

It should prevent the multiple tabs opening in Chrome at least. If so, we'll then fix the sqlite3.dll issue.


Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

Bonjour , fr33tux



Je vous remercie pour votre intrusion.

La clé que j'ai utilisée pour MBAM v2, n’est pas acceptée par la version 3

Une fois j'avais même désinstallé la version 2 et j'ai essayé de l'utiliser à nouveau elle a été refusée

Il a fallu que je fasse la restauration du système pour retrouver MBAM v2 intacte




Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!


Je me permets juste une petite intrusion: Si vous avez une clé pour MBAM v2, vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour la version 3 sans problème.


Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


We're doing our best to provide fully working updates, and it takes time (tests, internal feedbacks, translations..). Obviously, many things happen in the background. We will never publish a new release every 15 days just because we have to increase the version number. It doesn't make sense.

As fr33tux said:

  • the database is still updated nearly daily to include new definitions wi...