Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

Quarantine manager froze and was very slow.  I uninstalled per instructions on other thread.  Still no access to the directory.

Re: Adware turning off email protection in Total defense


Can you share the logfiles generated by AdwCleaner (please see the docs) ?


Adware turning off email protection in Total defense

on AdwCleaner by ****

Can you tell me how to stop adware from turning off my email protection when I do an adware scan please . When I try to activate the email protection in the turn on page it says fixed but immediately sends another alert to say it is off . I use Total defense anti virus .

This has happened before when I ran adware and I had to completely reinstall my antivirus to get the email protection operat...

Re: AdwCleaner


corentinc7007 a dit il y a environ 15 minutes:

J'ai un gros problème! Mon PC est bourré d'adwares (je cherchais un driver) et depuis, je ne peux plus ouvrir aucun de mes nettoyeurs, et Windows Defender ne supprime rien... Ni CCleaner, MalwareBytes ou mon adwCleaner préféré (v28) ne s'ouvre pas. Il m'affiche pendant moins d'une seconde le panneau "exécuter en administrateur? oui-Non"...

Re: AdwCleaner

corentinc7007 a dit il y a environ 15 minutes:

J'ai un gros problème! Mon PC est bourré d'adwares (je cherchais un driver) et depuis, je ne peux plus ouvrir aucun de mes nettoyeurs, et Windows Defender ne supprime rien... Ni CCleaner, MalwareBytes ou mon adwCleaner préféré (v28) ne s'ouvre pas. Il m'affiche pendant moins d'une seconde le panneau "exécuter en administrateur? oui-Non", se ferme ...

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap


Ah! :)  How can I delete the original quarantine files.  I no longer have access, and I restored via copy and paste then renamed the .vir extension via batch.  Now I no longer have access to the original quarantine directory to delete it.

level2, 2016-01-05 00:36:28 (UTC)

You should use the quarantine manager instead. Please refer to the documentation to see how to use it.


Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

Ah! :)  How can I delete the original quarantine files.  I no longer have access, and I restored via copy and paste then renamed the .vir extension via batch.  Now I no longer have access to the original quarantine directory to delete it.


I know this is very basic but so am I.

When I try to download AdwCleaner I get A pop up that says :

Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.

Please help.

Thank you  

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

FP = False positive .. :-) I removed "Ap" from the database as it was a FP.