The Rise of Ransomware Attacks: How to Protect Your Data

Ransomware attacks have become a major concern in recent years. This blog post delves into the nature of ransomware attacks, their impact on individuals and organizations, and provide actionable tips to protect data from such attacks. It covers topics like regular software updates, network segmentation, and incident response planning.

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How to remove Malware and Virus using Malwarebytes?

How to remove malware using Malwarebytes, following 7 simple steps.

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Here are the top 10 security software solutions for 2023

Here are the top 10 security software solutions, in no particular order, that are widely recognized for their effectiveness and popularity.

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Follow these 10 steps to successfully clean and speedup your Windows PC

Follow these 10 steps to successfully clean and speedup your Windows PC.

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Top 10 Advices on How to protect myself from Malware and Viruses

Here are 10 advices on how to project your laptop, desktop computer or mobile phone from getting infected by malware, viruses. 

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A quick look at a Russian AdwCleaner fake website

by fr33tux
I have been warned about a potentially malicious website which was distributing AdwCleaner in a archive, along with other software. I was quite intrigued so I decided to take a look.

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AdwCleaner : Patch du fichier dnsapi.dll

by fr33tux
Depuis quelques semaines, une nouvelle vague d'infection apparaît. Elle cause les troubles habituels pour un adware : la navigation web est polluée de redirections et de publicités intrusives.
Elle se distingue néanmoins par son mode d'action qui la rend délicate à supprimer : elle modifie un fichier système (utilisé par Microsoft Windows pour la résolution de noms de domaines) afin d'en perturber son fonctionnement et dans le cas présent, de mentir sur les résolutions DNS.
AdwCleaner prend en charge ce type d'infection depuis la version 5.010 publiée le 4 Octobre 2015.

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