
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (20 february 2016)

Still an issue with the above mentioned page is not resolved, I try 10 times adware scan and it is still there!!!
Why adware not removing this from my chrome and internet Explorer browser????
Because it holds my browser whenever I start my browser it comes with a search page. Please add this page in your system and remove it as soon as possible so we get peace of mind. Thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (20 february 2016)

Mon Pc gamer est bourré d'ardwares !
Je ne l'ai pas encore téléchargé, mais j'espère qu'il va sauver mon PC.
Bonne soirée.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (09 february 2016)

Hello thank you very much for this great product. But please leave acestream alone, I want to keep using it, why is it consider as a malware?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (07 february 2016)

This software is godlish. Even AVG or other antiviruses couldn't find that what ADWCleaner found. And im not getting anymore random shutdowns and my computer is not so laggy.


on AdwCleaner's page

from lukmanhk, (29 january 2016)

i want to loading this site free malware


on AdwCleaner's page

from killallvirus, (22 january 2016)

the last version 5030 unable to find pricefountain like malwarebytes:


on AdwCleaner's page

from Romko, (21 january 2016)

adwcleaner is a great software and it works! But from time to time I encounter a severe problem: adwcleaner says “adwcleaner_5.027.exe (or _5.030) has encounted a problem and needs to close”. And the file disappears from its location!! When opened from ERD commander, it says “can't load SQLite3.dll, although that SQLite3.dll resides in WINDOWS directory!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (19 january 2016)

thank you so much you saved my computer from viruses


on AdwCleaner's page

from corentinc7007, (06 january 2016)

J'ai un gros problème! Mon PC est bourré d'adwares (je cherchais un driver) et depuis, je ne peux plus ouvrir aucun de mes nettoyeurs, et Windows Defender ne supprime rien... Ni CCleaner, MalwareBytes ou mon adwCleaner préféré (v28) ne s'ouvre pas.

Il m'affiche pendant moins d'une seconde le panneau "exécuter en administrateur? oui-Non", se ferme et: "erreur du système de fichiers 1073741819" avec le chemin de mon nettoyeur.
Aidez moi, je vous en prie!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 january 2016)

Xplode, thanks for this software. Wish I could buy you a beer