
on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (30 july 2014)

@cramnorg Le fichier téléchargé depuis ToolsLib est sain. Quel est le nom de votre antivirus?


on AdwCleaner's page

from IRON67, (28 july 2014)

Minor Language-Problems in the german Version:

Tools -> Quarantänemananger: right: Quarantänemanager

Results (Ergebnisse) missing translation for "Tâches planifiées" -> Geplante Tasks


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (26 july 2014)

Hi, if you encounter any problems while using AdwCleaner, you can post messages here :


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alan, (26 july 2014)

Trying to download this software, adwcleaner, is taking more than 55minutes! Who is responsible for this stupidity?


on WinUpdateFix's page

from vicksterss, (26 july 2014)

Is there a way to get this with instructions and window dialog in English? I'd be very grateful. Unfortunately that's my singular language. Would love to use this program. Upgraded my hard drive and when cloned from smaller drive, lost ability to do Windows Update. Thinking it thinks it's a pirated copy of Windows Vista. However, it is a valid copy. Just moving to bigger drive. Thanks for any help.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (22 july 2014)

Looks like v3.216 has a problem. On most computers, it hangs on Folders when removing items, and the only way to close it is to end the task.

And since the autocheck for an update autodeletes the old version...


on AdwCleaner's page

from Lydem, (20 july 2014)


On va se calmer ici, un peu de politesse ne fait pas de mal. Xplode n'a pas forcément le temps de sortir des correctifs donc soyez déjà heureux d'avoir une nouvelle version relativement souvent...



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (19 july 2014)

Thank U for the app.

Might it be possible to delay the reboot and just shut down the computer without a restart.

Let it finish on next boot up ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (18 july 2014)


I am looking for a direct link to download adwcleaner, without using an external site (i.e. Bleeping Computers).

Please send me a direct link.


on AdwCleaner's page

from bosodeniro, (17 july 2014)

BTW this AdwareCleaner Forum needs a more practical and recognizable way to REPLY ... As it is now you have to post a new message that leads with RE: followed by the name of the person you're addressing -- and a lot of us are already at our wits end and a lot of messages here are getting lost in the shuffle, THANKS.