Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

I ran Windows Defender in full scan mode. It discovered Adware:Win32/EoRezo in c:\Adware\quarantine file. It found it in 6 files all the same. Is this bug coming in on the back porch of Adwcleaner?

Re: mpc cleaner


You'd like to remove MPC Cleaner ?

Do you have other symptoms ?

I'll need more information :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload zone)
  • Then post the link in your reply


Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

on AdsFix by fr33tux


Nutech2014 :

Can you share a screenshot of this ads on the right screen ?

I also need another logfile, with ZHPDiag to get more information about which elements remain :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload zone)...

Re: False Positive / Firefox Add On "Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8"

Many thanks, everything is fine now.

Best regards Michael

Re: False Positive / Firefox Add On "Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8"


FP has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


False Positive / Firefox Add On "Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8"


would you pls check above mentioned add on for F/P? It works for me for a long time without any problems and was never detected by any other security software.

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S25].txt - [7577 octets] ##########

# AdwCleaner v5.035 - Bericht erstellt am 21/02/2016 um 19:09:38
# Aktualisiert am 18/02/2016 von Xplode
# Datenbank : 2016-02-20.3 [Server]
# Betri...

Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

I have no ads fix report available. How can I do that? Is it another software program? rsvp thanks.

Re: japanese miss trasration restart program


Could you be more precise please? Do you mean that we should reverse "Found" and "Not Found" strings in the Japanese translation?


Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

on AdsFix by fr33tux


Can you share me the logfile generated by AdwCleaner ? (in C:\AdwCleaner\)


Re: Missed remnants


Unfortunately I'm not able to view the file with the correct encoding. I tried different text editors and I always have "³" and "¿" in place of some characters. Can you try a different encoding ?
