Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

I redacted the links to your logfiles in your precedent message since they contained some "sensitive"/"private" informations.

I analyze the logfile and come back to you with more informations.

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Disinfection by ****

Here are the logfiles (sorry for the delay to answer) :

Re: AdwCleaner deletes some file but it reappears after Windows start-up


Something else seems to recreate the key. I'll look with a ZHPDiag report :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload zone)
  • Then post the link in your reply

Best regards,

Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10


Can you try with this version of AdwCleaner and tell me if you still have the BSOD ? :


Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10


Thanks, the dump file was useful it was at least due to the PRSvc.exe process. Can you retry again ? (be sure the database has been updated..).

If you face another BSOD, can you redo the same thing as here ?

Thank you for your patience,

Re: AdwCleaner deletes some file but it reappears after Windows start-up

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] *****

***** [ Files ] *****

[-] File Deleted : C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\h@tkeysh@@k.dll

***** [ DLLs ] *****

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****

***** [ Scheduled tasks ] *****

***** [ Registry ] *****

[-] Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{10921475-03CE-4E04-90CE-E2E7EF20C814}

***** [ Web browsers ] *****


Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10

It's the debug report for the scan mode, but nevertheless we'll use BlueScreenView, it will be easier for both of us :

Can you download BlueScreenView here, run it, then click on "View" , "HTML Report - All Items".

Then, upload the report here and post the link.

Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10

I don't think that is the correct file because the time isn't correct but I could be wrong so here it is:

2016-04-19 05:33:59 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-04-19 05:33:59 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-04-19 05:34:01 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll 2016-04-19 05:34:01 : [Success]        Opened C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db 2016-04-1...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Yes, but your computer doesn't seem to have some remainings, so we need to spot what is re-creating this folder at each reboot.

Since I didn't see it with ZHPDiag, we'll try with FRST :

  1. Download FRST
  2. Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  3. Click on the "Scan" button
  4. The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  5. Please host them on Up2Sha...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Disinfection by ****

Apparently I am not the only one to have this problem of Acestream reappearance :