Registry Key wirklich schädlich / really bad ?


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{0DC81A74-1FBD-4EF6-82B2-DE3FA05E8233}] @="IFDMFlashVideoDownloads"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{0DC81A74-1FBD-4EF6-82B2-DE3FA05E8233}\ProxyStubClsid32] @="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"


Re: Impossible de modifier l'écran d'accueil sous W10

Voici l'export de la seconde clé :

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection] "AllowTelemetry"=dword:00000003

La première (PushNotifications) n'existe pas


Error during scan in the version v5.037

Line 2776... Variable must be of type "Object".


Line8198 ... Error: Error parsing function call.  


False Positives (Itunes and Networx)


I'd like to report some false positives, the folders are Itunes stuff and the registry detections are assoicated with Networx, a legit bandwidth monitor

# AdwCleaner v5.037 - Logfile created 01/03/2016 at 00:51:19
# Updated 28/02/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-02-28.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate  (x64)
# Username : Gamefan - GAMEFAN-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\...

Re: Mon ordinateur devient Fou !!! :( :(

Pour la gartantie  ce  doit   être  juste .  Mais  je  crois   qu'elle  est  expirée ,   je me  renseignerai dans  les  jours   avenir ou trouverai  al  facture


 Pour  ZHPDiag

 pouvez  v ous    me  redonner  le  mode  d  emploi    ou  la  marche   à   suivre , s'il  vous  plait ?

Re: Emobilize experience

Thank you for your thoughts. 

I don't know what software it was.

I think I had just come off the SiteGrounds site but can't be sure. I've been in touch with their security today and they are convinced it was nothing to do with them.

Now that the shock is over, it could have been completely un-related to any other event that day, but it was shockingly easy for them to blag me into handing my ...

Springiles / adware

I clicked on a springfiles virus searching for "modensa cot instructions". Doh!

My first clean has the following log. I have cleaned several times since and it says I am clean. But I am still getting lots of redirects and occasional Chrome freezing whilst I am asked to call the Microsoft certified technician.

Thanks in advance.

# AdwCleaner v5.036 - Logfile created 27/02/2016 at 23:10:23
# ...

Re: Mon ordinateur devient Fou !!! :( :(

Pour  la  souris  sans  fil  dont  je  pensais  avoir écrit  la marque  et le modèle  dans   mon  descriptif ,   est une  souris  de  marque "hama" "00086543".


BOMETIS, 2016-03-01 18:05:01 (UTC)

Ok. Elle est apparemment garantie deux ans, si elle est encore couverte je vous invite à contacter le vendeur pour faire jouer la garantie avant de chercher plus loin. Si elle n'est plus cou...

Re: Mon ordinateur devient Fou !!! :( :(

Pour  la  souris  sans  fil  dont  je  pensais  avoir écrit  la marque  et le modèle  dans   mon  descriptif ,   est une  souris  de  marque "hama" "00086543".


 Je vous  ferai un  rapport ZHPDiag  récent dès  que  possible.



Re: Emobilize experience - with improved spelling !

I'm not an incredibly experienced user in downloading new applications etc. 

Today (Tuesday 1st March  I was working on a problem with my new (first time) website that I built yesterday using Siteground as the host organisation and Wordpress. I found today that my home page had published to the internet, but not the other pages. I spoke to the tehcnical support people (in Bulgaria ? ) who were...