Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on AdwCleaner by ****

I have just run a scan once again and here is the whole logfile :

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Rapport créé le 18/04/2016 à 11:17:04
# Mis à jour le 17/04/2016 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2016-04-17.1 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X86)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Paul - DESKTOP-AQACG2A
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\mozOpenDownload\adwcleaner_5.112.exe
# Op...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up


Can you provide us the whole logfile ? (from C:\AdwCleaner\)

Best regards,

Re: Adwcleaner 5.112 and Google Chrome 50.0.2661.75 m (latest version)


In v5.000, "Internet Explorer" tab had been removed because IE settings are stored in the registry, therefore keys are now listed under "Registry" tab.

In v5.111, "Chrome" tab had been removed because now there is an option "Reset Chrome preferences". Prior to this version, you should manually select entries that you wanted to remove inside Chrome preferences files, and this was not as...

Re: Ads by Provider not getting removed


I couldnt find how to attach file here. There are more than 20 log files in that folder. Will add the content of latest 2:

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Logfile created 17/04/2016 at 22:57:08
# Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-04-17.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Username : skaranth - IND-LWSRIHARI
# Running from : C:\Users\skaranth\Do...

Re: Ads by Provider not getting removed

on ADS by fr33tux


Can you provide us the logfile showing the deletion ? (From C:\AdwCleaner\)


Re: False Positive? C:\ProgramData\mntemp

Thanks for the update. Problem is solved. Mntemp file is no longer detected.

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

2016-04-15 11:23:20 : [Notice]		Scan started
2016-04-15 11:23:20 : [Success]		Internet connection is UP
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Loaded C:\Users\tloft\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Opened C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db
2016-04-15 11:23:22 : [Success]		Database v2016-04-15.1
2016-04-15 11:23:23 : [Success]		Retrieved 1711 elements from 'chrome_extensions' t...

Re: Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I uninstalled and enabled debug again, generating log file and I'll post it. I'll have to get back with you gentlemen on monday to read any replies though, I have a flight in a few hours and it takes a while to get checked in.

Re: Google Chrome

@mike25 : Please provice the whole logfile (C:\AdwCleaner\), thanks.

Re: Google Chrome


Can you provide the whole logfile ? It's in C:\AdwCleaner\

Best regards,