
on AdwCleaner's page

from BakuDM, (07 january 2016)

The last update is triggering my SmartScreen (Windows 10) when I click to run it, should I care?


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from cocochepeau, (06 january 2016)

Hello, it interfaces Windows's Firewall with a lot of improvements (network activity monitoring).


on AdwCleaner's page

from corentinc7007, (06 january 2016)

J'ai un gros problème! Mon PC est bourré d'adwares (je cherchais un driver) et depuis, je ne peux plus ouvrir aucun de mes nettoyeurs, et Windows Defender ne supprime rien... Ni CCleaner, MalwareBytes ou mon adwCleaner préféré (v28) ne s'ouvre pas.

Il m'affiche pendant moins d'une seconde le panneau "exécuter en administrateur? oui-Non", se ferme et: "erreur du système de fichiers 1073741819" avec le chemin de mon nettoyeur.
Aidez moi, je vous en prie!


on AdwCleaner's page

from supremexdfull, (04 january 2016)

Hola espectacular el programa me gusto pero tengo una pregunta?
Cual es el script que utilizan al final del programa que cierra todos los procesos es muy util me gustaria que me lo pasen si no es mucha molestia.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (26 december 2015)

Bonjour, j'utilise adwcleaner depuis longtemps, et il m'a toujours donné satisfaction. Comme mon ordi ramait, j'ai lancé la version 5.25 qui m'avait déjà servi. Au lancement, il me dit que la version 5.25 est obsolète et me propose de télécharger la 5.26. Je n'ai pas fait attention au nom du site qui m'a proposé de télécharger la 5.26. j'ai téléchargé et enregistrer sans problème, puis j'ai lancé. il y a eut un très très court chargement, j'ai demandé le scan, et la, plus rien !! quan ont veur le fermer, message : adwcleaner ne répond pas. c'est quoi ce pataquès ?? je fai comment pour me rattraper ??


on AdwCleaner's page

from Overkill, (22 december 2015)

Hey Xplode, been using this to nuke malware for a LONG time, and I'd like to thank you for the time and energy you put into this. Is there any chance you can whitelist Kaseya software in your process killer so that remote techs don't lose connection while running this? "%programfiles(x86)%\Kaseya Remote Control" and "%programfiles%\KaseyaAgent\{AGENTGUID}\" on 64-bit machines (no x86 on 32-bit) are the root directories used. I could send you specific information via PM if you'd like :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (12 december 2015)

This software is a no nonsense malware cleaner, its one of the best. It actually works as advertised..... what a concept :) There is no one anti-malware program that does it al,l but if this software is used in conjunction with some other anti- malware cleaners your puter can run like it did when it was new. Enjoy.


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from ****, (12 december 2015)

so correct me if im wrong, but this software interfaces the existing windows firewall api / controls? so it isnt actually a firewall no? its a cool lookin front end to Windows Firewall? id buy this if the price suited! i know you have a lot of time into this but it is essentially a skin for Win FW ya? thoughts? if it was stand-a-lone i would pay 200. but only then!!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Myers78, (05 december 2015)

I had downloaded a program and it seems that he was infected, I do not know what happened but this program did my internet stop picking tried everything to solve the problem but I could not , that's when I remembered that had AdwareCleaner , he resolved the problem with no difficulty , this is a really fantastic program and recommend it to anyone who install because I'm sure it will be safe .
Thank AdwareCleaner !


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (28 november 2015)

Bonjour, ADWCLEANER demande de supprimer un dossier légale:
Dossier Trouvé : C:\Program Files\USB PnP Sound Device..........
c'est le répertoire d'installation de mon programme pour le son via une clée USB.