Re: hijack


I can send files from my firefox profile if that helps (I did a full text search on all files in my profile for text string "" but nothing relevant was found)

Simplex, 2017-11-09 12:10:12 (UTC)

Yes, please do. I'm sure we'll find a solution.


Can you give me the list of your installed addons - in Firefox?

Also, please share the AdwCleaner/Malwarebytes logfiles.


Re: hijack

Thanks for replying. I tested it with all addons disabled and the problem is still there. Both AdwCleaner and MalwareBytes tell me that "no threates were found".

I created a new clean Firefox profile and that problem disappeared, but I would like to be able to remove it from my current profile (to preserve history, open tabs, etc.)

I can send files from my firefox profile if that helps (I did...

Re: hijack


Can you give me the list of your installed addons - in Firefox?

Also, please share the AdwCleaner/Malwarebytes logfiles.


Re: Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating


Je ne peux pas vous donner de date exacte pour la sortie de la 7.1 mais cela ne devrait plus tarder. Sachez que nous travaillons activement dessus.



The tool couldn't kill the adware


I have used the tool trying to remove an adware, but no results.

Here is the link of the malicious file:



It looks like the malicious URL doesn't download the file now, so i uploaded the file here.

Update 2:

After some investigation, it turned out that proxy settings have been manipula...

Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating


J'ai également le même problème j'ai l'erreur "Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating". Et impossible de finir un nettoyage. J'ai la version Windows 7 64 bits.

Ça ne fonctionne pas en mode sans échec.

Pouvez vous me dire quand la version 7.1 sera oppérationnelle ? Car j'ai 5 menaces impossible à supprimer dont PUP.Optional.Legacy et autres même avec Malwarebytes premium.


Re: Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating


J'ai également le même problème  j'ai l'erreur "Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating". Et impossible de finir un nettoyage. J'ai la version Windows 7 64 bits.

Ça ne fonctionne pas en mode sans échec.

Pouvez vous me dire quand la version 7.1 sera oppérationnelle ? Car j'ai 5 menaces impossible à supprimer dont PUP.Optional.Legacy et autres même avec Malwarebytes premium....

Re: AdwCleaner not a valid application

The version of DownThemAll at the link you gave is 3.0.2, which is more than a year old. The version I have installed is 3.0.8, which is at (You can only install that version from within Firefox.) However, it looks like it is only a little more recent.

probléme de mise a jour (Probléme of putting has in the daytime)

a l'ouverture de "ADWCLEANER" on me dit de le mettre à jour donc je fais la manoeuvre mais il ne me mets pas mon logiiciel a niveau et a chaque ouverture je dois le mettre a jour comment y remédier Merci de votre aide   (has the opening of "ADWCLEANER one tells me to update himm(it) make the operation but do not put me my logiciel has level and has every opening I have to put him(it) has in the...

Re: AdwCleaner not a valid application

I am using Firefox 56.0.2, with DownThemAll download manager addon. I get the same results as Psajko above.

Yes, it makes a difference if I download it in another browser, or in Firefox without using DTA. Now I've got the right file. (There must be a bug in DTA.) Thank you.