Re: Version AdwCleander

Good catch.

I'm able to reproduce the issue and we even know its cause. I'll let you know as soon as the issue is fixed (probably next week).


Re: Version AdwCleander

I activated a function on my Chrome through the link - chrome://flags/  called - parallel-download.  

This is what affected the AdwCleaner download.

The funny thing is that this only affected your program. 


All employees of the company where I work have the same problem because they have enabled this function in their browsers. That's why I wrote "many people" earlier.

I'm sorry for th...

Re: Version AdwCleander


When you say "many people do the AdwCleaner download but are unable to run the program", can you share some other cases? That'd be helpful.

Also, can you try downloading AdwCleaner using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox, ..)?


Re: Version AdwCleander

In the last update of Windows 10, they upgraded Windows defender. Especially the Exploit protection. Many people do the AdwCleaner dowload but are unable to run the program.

See the icon after after the download

Re: Version AdwCleander

I downloaded it. But the computer shows a message  saying it can not run the application. Ask to consult the  software vendor. Another point is that the program icon  does not appear (image of an insect). Displays a standard Windows software icon.

Re: Version AdwCleander

Is Windows Defender up to date?

Please take a look at the "Trigger an update" section, here:


Re: Version AdwCleander



I've tried several times to download. Windows defender says it has a trojan. If I install the previous version has no problem.


My Windows is up to date.


Re: Version AdwCleander


Can you make sure Windows is up to date an try again?


Version AdwCleander


The latest version is being considered a virus by Windows Defender.

My windows:

Windows 10 pro



Mon PC serait-il infecté ?


Sur mon PC de bureau HP Windows7 Pro, j'ai des petits bugs depuis quelques semaines. Il arrive que l'écran devienne tout flou et que je doive rebooter. J'ai installé la dernière version de Firefox mais elle plante. Or, je n'ai vu nulle part que cette version posait problème. Par ailleurs, avec Microsoft Outlook 2007 Pro, certaines de mes adresses e.mail ne fonctionnent plus alors que ...