Re: Adwcleaner freeze when cleaning

# AdwCleaner v6.046 - Logfile created 14/05/2017 at 10:24:09 # Updated on 24/04/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-05-14.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : iQuang - IQUANG-PC # Running from : D:\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.046.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found....

Re: adwcleaner, same 6 threats, all from chrome

The problem is still occuring, so I uploaded 2 files to: and  Basically, what happens, is that I use browsers (chrome or firefox) for maybe 15 minutes, then my computer grinds to a halt.  CPU near 100%.  then I run adwcleaner, always see some of the same threats, it reboots the machine, which then run quickly.   the th...

Re: Malware "Yahoo Update", infection de Chrome et logs inquiétants

Salut !

Oui en effet les logs sont bien toujours présents dans C:\\AdwCleaner. Je les ais regardés et ils sont tous identiques, sauf la date : (ce qui veut dire que le truc revient après la suppression)

Cela reflète bien ce que je pensais : j'ai une popup, je lance AdwCleaner qui détecte un truc, le supprime puis ne détecte plus rien. La popup revient quelques jo...

Not able to install MBAM

I have installed the first time, 2 weeks ago, the free trial of Malwarebytes, in 4 days the free trial shall expire.

Tonight I tried to open malwarebytes for a check and it was not possible.

So I decided to reinastall mallwarebytes, I could download the software without any problem but when 

 it starts to install on my PC after 5 seconds I get a message that a fault has occured and that it c...

Re: Browser threats detection by Adwcleaner

As I said I don't download files, and yes they appear almost every time I run this program, even though they were deleted earlier. I have even ran other malware programs but they do not find any signs of f.ex. Softonic.

I have even tried two scans but the second scan doesn't show them, but after sometime I run it they come back in the result.

Re: Browser threats detection by Adwcleaner


These detections are related to search providers. They are appearing when installing software downloaded through Softonic or other download sites that provides repacks/bundle.

According to this logfile, they have been deleted successfully. Are they still reappearing when you launch two scan/clean in a row?


Browser threats detection by Adwcleaner

I am for a long time using your software and have been facing with that Adwcleaner detects same threats that resides on Chrome browser which I regularly use. First of all I can't experience any problems either from the browser nor my pc that is slow or somw how infected, and I a wanted to ask why I keep getting the same threat results almost every time I run this program. I don't download or in...

Re: adware cleaner, can it really stop anything except healthy software?

Sorry, can`t use MBAM on my computer. It will not install at first and when it finaly do I can`t run it. I have been in contact with MBAM crew about this before but no solution worked. (And I tried all of the solutions and it took time but no one worked)

But here is the log from adw cleaner:

# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 06/11/2016 at 18:42:21 # Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes ...

Re: Infection Google Chrome


moi c Softonic,cette mer..,qui revient sans cesse avec Chrome.Je passe ADW Cleaner,je les elimine mais ils reviennent apres 2/3 jours!Grrrrrr

PS:j'ai la derniere version de ADW pourtant(6.030)

Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"

Bonjour, désolé pour le retard vous pouvez me critiquer X)

he bien vous avez raison cocochepeau quelque jour après même problème , j'ai fait comme vous m'avez demander fr33tux celà a duré plusieurs heures et surprise toujours de google chrome alors que je l'ai désinstallé bizarre . voici l rapport de scan

# Mode: Scan # Support :

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