A Comprehensive Comparison Between Local and Cloud-based Video Editing

Video has been a crucial marketing and communication tool since internet speeds could keep up with video streaming. Now, video is everywhere and has become even more important on social media where people can make a living as content creators and for marketers who need a medium that can easily reach and resonate with a new generation of consumers.

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A quick look at a Russian AdwCleaner fake website

by fr33tux
I have been warned about a potentially malicious website which was distributing AdwCleaner in a archive, along with other software. I was quite intrigued so I decided to take a look.

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AdwCleaner 5.201

by fr33tux
AdwCleaner is a free removal tool for : Adware (ads software), PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program), Toolbars, Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage).. The 5.201 release is out with updated detections and translations.

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A blog for the team and for the developpers !

by fr33tux
After several weeks without any new features, we publish a new section on the website : a blog ! We'd like to be closer to our users to be transparent, to communicate easily... and it was a tool we missed for that.

We are so pleased to introduce you this new section... also dedicated to developers !

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Un blog pour l'équipe... mais aussi pour les développeurs !

by fr33tux
Après plusieurs semaines sans améliorations notables, nous publions une nouvelle section du site, un blog ! Nous voulons être toujours plus proches de nos utilisateurs, pouvoir communiquer, être transparents, et il nous manquait un moyen simple de nous adresser à vous.

C'est donc avec grand plaisir que nous vous présentons cette nouvelle section... aussi destinée aux développeurs !

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