A Comprehensive Comparison Between Local and Cloud-based Video Editing

Video has been a crucial marketing and communication tool since internet speeds could keep up with video streaming. Now, video is everywhere and has become even more important on social media where people can make a living as content creators and for marketers who need a medium that can easily reach and resonate with a new generation of consumers.

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Follow these 10 steps to successfully clean and speedup your Windows PC

Follow these 10 steps to successfully clean and speedup your Windows PC.

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Certificate renewal and other TLS improvements

by fr33tux
The new certificate for https://toolslib.net is now online. It is valid from 15/04/2016 to 11/05/2018. We've also published several improvement regarding TLS support on ToolsLib.

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How do we handle a permanently increasing traffic on ToolsLib.

by fr33tux
Everyday we deal with an increasing traffic, coming from and to ToolsLib. These last weeks have been interesting to follow since we moved to a larger scale a bit earlier than expected.
We want to share some figures, graphs and explanations about how we deal with an important traffic and increasing data quantity on our infrastructure.

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