Re: ADWCLEANER à cesser de fonctionner

dans AdwCleaner par Apogial

Ok merci, j'attend votre réponse je regarderais régulièrement le topic !

AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

dans AdwCleaner par klimi


It looks like AdwCleaner (any version above will not install on my Win 10 64bit PC after it was updated with MS's Fall Creator's Update. When trying to install versions 7.0.70 and the current I get an error stating,       "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher" This happens if I try to install as administrator, u...

Re: Pup


This is a known issue and it'll be fixed in the upcoming major release of AdwCleaner (v7.1).

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Version AdwCleander

Good catch.

I'm able to reproduce the issue and we even know its cause. I'll let you know as soon as the issue is fixed (probably next week).


Re: Version AdwCleander

dans AdwCleaner par josephjr

I activated a function on my Chrome through the link - chrome://flags/  called - parallel-download.  

This is what affected the AdwCleaner download.

The funny thing is that this only affected your program. 


All employees of the company where I work have the same problem because they have enabled this function in their browsers. That's why I wrote "many people" earlier.

I'm sorry for th...


ADW cleaner found 3 Pups

pup Optional Legacy

pup Optional My Web Shield

pup Optional PC project

But when you try to remove them the cleaner locks up with this message

Caught unhandled unknown exceptiuon terminating

How do i get rid of them

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas


Quelle version de Windows utilisez-vous ?


Re: Version AdwCleander


When you say "many people do the AdwCleaner download but are unable to run the program", can you share some other cases? That'd be helpful.

Also, can you try downloading AdwCleaner using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox, ..)?


Re: ADWCLEANER à cesser de fonctionner


Merci pour votre retour. Je reviens vers vous avec plus d'informations, dès que possible.


Re: Eliminer action TASK HOST WINDOW

dans Windows par cocochepeau


N'hésitez pas à revenir si jamais vous avez besoin de plus de précisions.
