Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Hi, there sheilaanderson,

Please download the free version of Ccleaner here to your pc and run the program analyze (applications, registry) and run cleaner.  When you delete the program(s) there are remnants left behind of that program.  Ccleaner deletes the remnants.  Reply back here how you made out.

By the way, which site did you download AceStream from?


PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello ive started using some online sites for studys the last days - file some stuff and get money/points etc BUT everytime i do a survey on "" it loads the sites on a url named "surveymyopinion" So if i run adwcleaner (current version) after doing that i get 4-8 PUP'S which all have entries verifying it is from "surveymyopinion" in some folders. Now the question: ...

Re: Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

Hello Ethelena,

Welcome to ToolsLib,

Please answer the following questions in your reply.  First of all may I ask you what kind of

1)  anti virus software are you using? 

2)  What version Awd Cleaner are you using? 

3)  Do you have an ad blocking software installed on your computer? 

4)  Do you have PC Repair installed on your computer?

Warmest Regards,


Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

I have removed them and i know everything about the site. I just wanted to know if they are rather serious or just ad related. I remove them at the end of my day when i turn of my pc anyhow so i just wanted to be save in case they do something rather fishy (track keystrokes for example.)

BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

dans Windows par cumdacon
Hi everyone, Hi dear Jerome, I go BSOD (or a simply "total OS hang" > power off) at boot **ONLY**, therefore I have to leave the pc always turned on (with zero problems) since 3 weeks. But I prefer the old behaviour, i.e. shutdown during every night ;) hardware and software are always the same here, since...a lot years. Memory: the long test told me all is ok: I stopped it after the 12th (!) p...

PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

Hello ive started using some online sites for studys the last days - file some stuff and get money/points etc BUT everytime i do a survey on "" it loads the sites on a url named "surveymyopinion" So if i run adwcleaner (current version) after doing that i get 4-8 PUP'S which all have entries verifying it is from "surveymyopinion" in some folders. Now the question: ...

Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

dans AdwCleaner par ethelena

I have, and had have problem with a "virus". When I click on anything on my webscreen (on a link for example) so instead for the link I clicked on opens a new window that want to sell something or ad for something. Mostly it`s "Pc repair" it`s been around for sometimes now and it`s extremly annoying. And adware cleaner don`t do anything to stop or even reqognize this virus. Not only adaware, no...

pc très infecté

dans Disinfection par brouil

Bonjour à tous,


j'ai téléchargé Nero, RogueKiller & µTorrent sur un mauvais site et j'ai eu 400 malwares sur mon pc,




Re: Wifi connecté mais connexion impossible sur un pc

Qu'avez vous fait pour retrouver une connexion fonctionnelle ?

Re: Wifi connecté mais connexion impossible sur un pc


Merci de me répondre. J'ai réussi à retrouver la connexion (wifi) grâce à un autre site mais la connexion reste assez lente, j'ai amélioré quelques paramètres mais ça reste poussif, plus que sur mlona utre portable aussi en wifi.. Si vous avez une idée...
