False Positives

dans AdwCleaner par Psajko

No detection with version 7.2.1

All these reg keys are restricted sites in IE11 (SpywareBlaster protection).

# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ------------------------------- # Build:    07-17-2018 # Database: 2018-07-16.3 # Support:  https://www.malwarebytes.com/support # # ------------------------------- # Mode: Scan # ------------------------------- # St...

Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images

  1. Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Searching empty directories... Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access files in "C:\inetpub\history" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access subdirectories in "C:\inetpub\history" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access files in "C:\inetpub\logs" Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT Failed to access subdirectories in "C:\inetpub\logs" Fri, 08 Jun 2018...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Hi, there sheilaanderson,

Please download the free version of Ccleaner here https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner to your pc and run the program analyze (applications, registry) and run cleaner.  When you delete the program(s) there are remnants left behind of that program.  Ccleaner deletes the remnants.  Reply back here how you made out.

By the way, which site did you download AceStream from?


AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Mỗi tiếng nói lập trình sẽ có những thứ hạng thách thức riêng trong mỗi cuộc phỏng vấn, đôi chút cũng còn thuộc hạ vào cá tính của người phỏng vấn & tài dẫn dắt mẩu chuyện của developer. Bài viết mạn phép tổng hợp tư khúc mắc "mẹo" thường gặp gỡ trong những buổi phỏng vấn Front-end developer. Chưa phải là các câu hóc búa số 1, cơ mà chỉ việc quành một tí thôi, cũng đủ khiến các ai chưa sẵn sàng...

Adwclwaner y Norton anti-virus

dans AdwCleaner par producer

Several elements must be present in a fast-track product launch if it is to be successful, say executives from Kiwi Brands Inc, which launched its Ty-D-Bol Triple Action Stain-Fighting Liquid in Oct 1995 after just 150 days of preparation. Those elements include clear communications and a close working relationship between different segments of the design team, computerized information processi...

Re: Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw

dans Disinfection par pisog

Tetre que c'est en téléchargeant un logiciel que c'est arrivé, mais le problème est que je ne me souviens plus très bien lequel ...ça été tellement inattendu !  en tout cas je ne suis pas allée sur un site à streaming illégal , ça c'est sûr. Je n'ai pas téléchargé de jeux piratés non plus . Le réflexe que j'avais était d'installer avast premium . Ce qui est bizarre c'est la barre de tache qui s...

Re: Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw

J'ai lu les rapports que tu m'as envoyé par mail. Par rapport à Google Chrome, je n'ai rien vu de spécial. Le problème n'apparaît que sur ce navigateur ou également avec d'autres comme Firefox ou encore Edge ?

Quand ça t'a affiché que ton PC était infecté, c'est en allant sur un site à risque du genre streaming illégal, téléchargement de logiciels/jeux piratés, etc. ?

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Seems like all of your network devices are out of date. Including Nvidia streaming service which could be a cause, since it does have light exploits to DNS changing. Adwcleaner -> Update your drivers to the latest, if you can Boot Windows "safe mode with networking" and update everything there. Let me know if that solves the issue. Also, farbar flushed your DNS so you should be good for now.

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

The fact that this is Spanish(Maybe?) makes it very VERY difficult to read.... Any way you could turn it into English? On the first glance noticed some things that MIGHT be potential issues, unsure, cause..... I am not yet used to reading the logs, and different language doesn't help the issue :)

JoshRoss, 2017-09-07 14:26:07 (UTC)

Of course sorry.

If you see something that is not translat...

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

Ports, applications, accessibility. Maybe your other device is used a lot less, you haven't messed with any ports or have any applications that require forwarding. Honestly, very weird issue, I would need to investigate the files. Can you scan your PC With Farbar MiniToolBox and Malwarebytes JRT? Post the logs that you get.

JoshRoss, 2017-09-06 13:16:38 (UTC)

MiniToolBox by Farbar  Version...