Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Well.... My previous solution in Windows "Safe mode with networking" should help you out if you haven't done that. Alternatively, you could try using RKill to kill malicious software first. Then remove the identified files manually, afterward do a thorough scan with Malwarebytes, AdwCleaner, and HitmanPro. This should definitely yield some results.

Re: Effacement RFA (Registry First Aid)

# AdwCleaner v6.047 - Rapport créé le 25/07/2017 à 09:40:19 # Mis à jour le 19/05/2017 par Malwarebytes # Base de données : 2017-07-13.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : JEANGA - JEANGA-PC # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\JEANGA\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.047.exe # Mode: Scan # Support : ***** [ S...

Re: Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan

PUP is usually named a Potentially Unwanted Program. It doesn't always have to be malware or malicious software. If MMO's have their anti-cheat in form of "Pando", it might interact with files at the system level, which AdwCleaner could deem treating a very normal reaction. Keep in mind that different malware removal software targets malicious software different ways. While one anti-malware so...

Re: False positives?

dans AdwCleaner par Clovers

I don't, actually. But let me scan again.

UPDATE: Here is the new log.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Mon Jul 24 17:28:09 2017 # Updated on 2017/17/07 by Malwarebytes # Database: 07-24-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X86) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No mal...

Re: Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

PUP is usually named a Potentially Unwanted Program. It doesn't always have to be malware or malicious software. If MMO's have their anti-cheat in form of "Pando", it might interact with files at the system level, which AdwCleaner could deem treating a very normal reaction. Keep in mind that different malware removal software targets malicious software different ways. While one anti-malware sof...


dans AdwCleaner par foxy

I have just recently downloaded the new version, before it worked very well now when I run the software and then I want to clean my computer, windows tells me that it will close the program as it has stopped running. I have done this several times and I still get the same problem.

Can anyone help me

Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan


I'm running the latest version of ADW cleaner and got this back as my report.

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Optional.CrossRider, C:/Users\Gamefan\AppData\Roaming\app

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No malicious DLLs found.

***** [ WMI ] *****

No malicious WMI found.

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****


False positives?

dans AdwCleaner par Clovers

Are these keys FPs? Could someone verify this? Thank you.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sun Jul 23 10:21:28 2017 # Updated on 2017/17/07 by Malwarebytes # Database: 07-16-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X86) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders...

Re: AdwCleaner not responding at post actions

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Firstly, make sure you cleaned up your Adware fully, otherwise, the problem might still persist. Newest updated of AdwCleaner shouldn't have this issue. Try doing a full reinstall of the software and see if that helps!

Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

I have no proxies on either machine.

Just updated and ran scan - still same result as yesterday as below - 280 entires found!

The Chrome entries found are simply my personalisations for the Chrome start up page! Should definately not be selected or cleaned!

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Jul 21 08:26:44 2017 # Updated on 2017/17/07 by Malwarebytes # Database: 07-16-2017.1 # Ru...