Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"

dans AdwCleaner par Karot


je précise il y a un message d'erreur qui arrive et en appuyant sur ok ferme le programme .

le rapport complet :

2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<< 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - Version: 6.030 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - RAM Usage: 41 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     INFO    [main] - OS: WIN_10  X64 2016-10-22 12:13:53 :     <INFO>  ...

Re: adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca

dans AdwCleaner par robint

 Sorry Administrator, please find attached again.

Though it says deleted, but it always there when I scan it again and again.

Thank you.

# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 22/10/2016 at 18:13:41
# Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2016-10-22.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Username : Robin
# Running from : C:\Users\Robin\Downloads\downloads\adwcl...

Re: bugfixxer binessentials wininfos winessential

dans AdsFix par cocochepeau


Sorry for the late answer.

Firstly, I'll need you to run a scan with AdwCleaner:

  • Download AdwCleaner from here:
  • Launch it and then click on "Scan" button;
  • At the end of the scan, a logfile will be generated;
  • Please, click on "Logfile" button;
  • Then, double-click on the most recent entry from the list and past its content...

Re: adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca

dans AdwCleaner par robint

 Thank you and please find the logfile as requested.

# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 22/10/2016 at 17:30:02
# Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2016-10-22.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Username : Robin 
# Running from : C:\Users\Robin\Downloads\downloads\adwcleaner_6.030.exe
# Mode: Scan
# Support :


Re: Cannot remove Bing from Firefox, even with ADWCleaner (this reposted from Toolslib)

Bonjour cocochepeau,

Thanks for your response.

First I should explain that in the last hour, I downloaded Malwarebytes (free) from Softpedia (

...and something was found and removed from Firefox. It wasn't named 'Bing' but Bing has now been removed.

I had previously tried changing the defa...

Re: Lucky123

# AdwCleaner v6.030 - raport utworzono 21/10/2016 o 17:40:24
# Ostatnia aktualizacja: 19/10/2016 przez Malwarebytes
# Baza danych : 2016-10-18.1 [Z serwera]
# System operacyjny : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Nazwa użytkownika : ... - ...
# Lokalizacja programu : C:\Users\...\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.030.exe
# Tryb: Czyszczenie
# Wsparcie : hxxps://


bugfixxer binessentials wininfos winessential

dans AdsFix par ZooT

I have these repeatedly. I can make them go away but they always come back. I read some threads that this was discussed but I couldn't seem to get a clear solution ??????

Re: Infected LNK, False positive ?

@HiSpeed :

Ne sois pas trop gourmand, trop pressé : Je ne pense pas que le logiciel te coûte trop cher, alors reste modéré dans tes exigences.

Pour ma part, je suis très content du service offert, les petites imperfections se corrigent "dans le temps"....  :-)


Bernard_78, 2016-10-20 18:31:20 (UTC)

Mais je ne suis ni pressé, ni exigeant, je relève seulement une contradiction pour laquel...

Re: Infected LNK, False positive ?


Pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivis tous les posts, la réponse a été donnée par fr33tux (administrateur) il y a déjà un bon bout de temps.

En bref:

"Je m'occupe de corriger ce faux-positif rapidement, d'ici là vous pouvez ignorer cette détection sans inquiétude."

Cordialement et, Merci à fr33tux.

Passant, 2016-10-20 05:43:55 (UTC)

Les expressions "bon bout de temps" et "rapide...

Re: Folder deleted by mistake

Yes, the two folders are in place but many of the files and folders have an unknown ownership wich cannot be altered - it leads to 'access denied'