A whole lot of damage

dans AdwCleaner par David_R

I just ran the latest version of Ad-Aware. It found 18 items to remove. I clicked OK. Restarted the laptop (HP Envy, 16GB RAM, 240GB SSD, 4GB VRAM). On bootup I found that Mailwasher icon was not in the Task bar, in fact it was not running. Then I found that Mailbird, my e-mail program wasn't running. Then I found that the touch feature of the touchpad wasn't working. (I could not slide up and ...

hitman pro

dans AdwCleaner par ****

i appreciated the adwcleaner and jrt.exe files.  the hitman pro site let me use download.com.  I clicked the direct link instead.  I thought download.com injects pup software?  should a warning be on your site ot to use download.com?  

I also cleaned everything the adw and jrt exes showed me and crossed my fingers that it would not crash my system.  is that safe?

i already had malware bytes M...