Re: Is it save to remove these registry keys / this file


Reimage is now has a new drivers updater programs and others craps software’s out there so not sure if adwcleaner detected them or not .

Re: zhp cleaner flagged by so many security softwares ?

I’ll have you some of scanner names with a link for each of it .

norton power eraser

9-lab - anti-malware

and also your link show some they both anti-virus is now flagged the zhp cleaner tool

Re: "Tracing" keys deleted


Tracing keys are deleted by default. It does not mean you have bad stuff in your computer. :)

Here is the full documentation in case of need:

Should I change my passwords on every site I use?

Alain Reve, 2016-12-13 18:44:01 (UTC)

Don't worry, it's not needed.

You can always share me the clean logfile from Ad...

"Tracing" keys deleted


I saw "Tracing keys deleted" in the log file.

Please, can someone tell me what this means? Does it mean I had some on my computer? Or does it mean that, in general, if there were some they are now gone?

Should I change my passwords on every site I use?



Re: Is it save to remove these registry keys / this file


These entries are related to Reimage. We consider it as a PUP (potentially unwanted software).

So my answer is yes, it is safe to remove these entries.


Re: Comment supprimer un dossier de photos qui n'existe plus


Le dossier est: Voyage Chine Novembre 2016 Thérèse ( Vide )

C:/utilisateurs/client/images/photos 2016

A la fin c'est écrit: Ce dossier n'est pas disponible

Quoi faire pour l'enlever de cette page?

J'ai juste ce dossier à supprimer pas les autres.




Is it save to remove these registry keys / this file

# AdwCleaner v6.040 - Logfile created 13/12/2016 at 17:10:28
# Updated on 02/12/2016 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2016-12-13.2 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Username : Lucas - DESKTOP-SB5FFL7
# Running from : C:\Users\Lucas\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.040.exe
# Mode: Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found...

Re: zhp cleaner flagged by so many security softwares ?


I've forwarded your message to ZHPCleaner's author.

Which security software are flagging ZHPCleaner? The VT report seems pretty nice to me:


Re: WIE Chromium, Shark700 entfernen, löschen


Can you be more precise? What's the issue?


Pronlem Installing "UnHackMe" Program ...

dans UnHackMe par CFguy

Hi Everyone,

I am experiencing a problem installing the program "UnHackMe".  I get the following error during installation:

Error writing to registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RNRFile\shell\open\command RegSetValueEx failed; code 5. Access is denied. Click Retry to try again, Ignore to proceed anyway, or Abort to cancel installation.

When I try the "again" command to try to install again, I jus...