Re: Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan

PUP is usually named a Potentially Unwanted Program. It doesn't always have to be malware or malicious software. If MMO's have their anti-cheat in form of "Pando", it might interact with files at the system level, which AdwCleaner could deem treating a very normal reaction. Keep in mind that different malware removal software targets malicious software different ways. While one anti-malware so...

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

dans USB File Resc par Liina

Dear Sirs,

I apologize for the enormous delay.

I was out of the country and all this kind of correspondence was only on my desktop.

No expansion needed ! 

The software is great - 100%. I am very happy about it. This was not a complaint, but just an interesting detail, that I found while testing it.

I appreciate very much your reply, as a prove of care and respect to all participants and us...

Re: Problème de batterie ou de charge Sony VGP-BPL10

dans Hardware par fr33tux


Je vous invite à tester sous une clé USB Linux pour confirmer que vous rencontrez également le problème (c'est probable). Si oui, il vous faudra effectivement essayer de forcer le SAV ou voir un réparateur indépendant.

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello dear fr33tux,

taa taratàtta taaaaaa (I-II-III C trumpets)

pim popopìm pom p'rrrrrrrr (kettledrums in G-C)

You will understand the reason for this Fanfare by looking at the following report (after the....11th pass!) for B_Desktop:

No words, music only! :D 

[ If there were a portable (!) USB version for Windows I could do a further t...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


Don't worry, it's very easy. Once you've plugged your USB key in your computer, just reboot. At the very first screen when your computer manuacturer and model is shown, there will be a small message saying "press this key in order to boot on your key". You'll just need to press it, and "voilà".

Otherwise, you may need to see at a repair shop, because it's very likely that whether your ...

problême dual-boot windows 10 - adwares à l'installation de cyberlink mediasuite 15: infecté par registry first aid & par systweak

Bonjour à tous,

voila depuis le 10 mai sur ma tour et mon notebook,

1) j'ai défragmenté le disque C:/

2) grace à ma clé usb bootable Cubuntu Live Toshiba commandée sur Amazon, j'ai dans la partie live lancée l'installation de Cubuntu pour faire un dualboot windows 10-cubuntu, l'installation à réussi, mais ensuite à sa fin il y à marqué "erreur de création du Grub Syslinux", me privant de boo...

Plantage USBFix

dans ToolsLib par factor23


Je suis en Windows 10 64 bits Creators

et j'ai cette erreur


Au démarrage de la Recherche avec USBFix (avec ou sans clé USB insérée)




problem with archos pc and virtualbox of toshiba drive



I Have my archos pc stick freezes all 20 minutes,

And my virtualbox portable on Cubuntu live usb says "closing virtuzlbox" at end of his splash screen, doesn't access virtualbox


And i scanned my usb toshiba cubuntu pendrive and my archos micro-pc with ad-aware, but theses freezes on pc znd virtualbox's bug on usb disk persists



infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.


i have some problems, and i'm 27 years old man,


i have some problems with my 2 computers and my external disks,

my configuration: pc 1: compaq desktop pc by hewlett packard, win 10 x64 upgraded from win 8 pc 2: Win 7 Starter Edition x32 Acer Aspire One laptop

Antivirus/firewall suite installed: pc 1: ad-aware total security pc 2: comodo internet security complete

then,: ---------...

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.

dans AdwCleaner par regist

1) It this file known to you?


There is nothing any suspicious, please clean some trace.

2) Using  ClearLNK tool repair following links and attach tool's report to your message.

C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ImplicitAppShortcuts\9690809c1adfae92\user0 - Chrome.lnk