Re: Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown

Looks like I'm having DNS problems but I never had this before. I did 3 fixes to solve this.

1. Changed DNS server to google. The and the in Internet Protocol V4

2. I did the Command prompt commands

ipconfig /release ipconfig /all ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew

netsh int ip set dns netsh winsock reset

And I restarted my computer

3. I also did the "chrome://flags/” and ...


Downloaded Malware Bytes Adw Cleaner today. Worked pretty good and got rid of consistant malware that was blocking my internet and even though a lot of threats were found (58) it got rid of it all. But there are no Adw Icons on my desk top and I can't find Adw Cleaner in my control panel.

Is it gone and do I have to download all over again now?

Re: Unable to get rid of a file through AdwCleaner

Hey, sorry for the late reply.  Didn't get a chance to use my laptop until now.  


Thanks again!

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

Uhh, hello? This issue still persists and is majorly affecting my computer. Respond, please.

Re: besoin aide pour savoir si c'est une menace

Bonsoir c'est ceux que je fais mais il revient a chaque fois mais je sais d'ou provient la menace mais je ne pense pas que sa soit a cause de cella

j'ai une barre de surf a chaque fois que je la demarre j'ai la menace et dans le dossier de la barre j'ai juste ce fichier nommer user.config


voici ceux quil  y a dedans


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>     <configSect...

Re: Trying to remove UCGuard from my computer

dans AdwCleaner par JIJU26

Merci beaucoup pour ton aide précieuse :)

Mon problème est réglé merci beaucoup 

Adware no detection of viruses after scan

On the internet I typed in gmail to login and immediately got a Zeus virus detection message.  I bypassed it, downloaded adwcleanor, scanned the laptop and no detection of viruses.  False warning or blip in detection? My guess false detection with a hack using the common gmail login. Very sad.

Re: Owner

dans Windows par Marethyu

Good evening,

Yes! Thank you for pointing CCleaner out, it actually fixed my redirect problem!

No more random redirects when i click randomly on a clean page or a link!

Thank you!

Re: Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown

I reinstalled my Malwarebytes. I did another scan but it's not detecting any viruses but my Internet Connection Sharing in my services.msc is getting stopped by something. This causes me to lose connection to the internet. What do I do?

Re: AdwCleaner - False detection?

dans AdwCleaner par flori4nk

I dont know why but, my browser posted this 2 times