Blocage Adwcleaner 5.026

dans Disinfection par ****

Bonjour, j'utilise depuis très longtemps Adwcleaner, sans problèmes pour éradiquer tous les logiciels qui s'étaient installés à mon insu, et ce, jusqu'a la version 5.025. dernièrement, lorsque je me suis aperçu que mon ordi (W7/64) "ramait", j'ai lancé la 5.025, laquelle m'a informée qu'il fallait que je télécharge la 5.026, ce que j'ai fait. J'ai lancé la 5.026 laquelle a fait un téléchargemen...

False result ?

Hi every body!!  I'm having problems in the current version. It is finding a service called WinDivert1.1. Its not a malware

False Positive: Google Input Tools

dans AdwCleaner par json

Hello, so today I did a scan in my own computer and found out AdwCleaner considers the Google Input Tools browser extension (mclkkofklkfljcocdinagocijmpgbhab) a Malware/PUP.

Here's the log:

# AdwCleaner v5.026 - Registro generado 26/12/2015 en 09:59:39
# Actualizado 21/12/2015 por Xplode
# Base de datos : 2015-12-23.1 [Servidor]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 10 Home Single Language  (x64)
# ...

Re: False positive , Yahoo.xml

dans AdwCleaner par satrow
Hi Xplode. It's not flagged in MBAM: [quote]Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Scan Date: 23/12/2015 Scan Time: 06:51 Logfile: MBAMresults.txt Administrator: Yes Version: Malware Database: v2015.12.23.01 Rootkit Database: v2015.12.18.01 License: Free Malware Protection: Disabled Malicious Website Protection: Disabled Self-protection: Disabled OS: Windows 7 Service Pa...

Re: A ajouter à AdwCleaner

dans AdwCleaner par Aricko

Hello ! Je comprends mais pour avoir vu déjà une bonne trentaine de fois le dit problème (en résumé, on a l'impression que les fenêtres clignotent), c'était systématiquement des Windows (de Vista à Windows 10) pollués de divers malwares et assimilés.

Lorsque j'ai mis la main sur ces deux valeurs, j'ai comparé à des Windows sains (mon 7 de boulot et un 10) qui ne présentaient pas ces valeurs.


Re: roboot64 and more

dans Disinfection par Chapi


I'm here to help you, and to be sure that all items detected by AdwCleaner must be delete, I will need more data about them. So can you post us the entire log file in your answer ?

You can find it in C:/AdwCleaner/AdwCleaner[SX].txt where X is a number.


Then, as AdwCleaner only check for a category of malware, can you follow those instruction to make a deeper analysis of your compu...

Firefox-Addon "Super Drag": false detection?

hi Several weeks ago a had an issue with malware in Firefox and CHROME.

I opened a thread in this german Firefox forum:

We tried several times to remove the malware with some tools (ADW cleaner and tools like MBAM and JRT).

It didnt work so the moderators told me to refresh firefox (see

Re: AdwCleaner Report

dans AdwCleaner par barsim

If reading the privously/lastly submitted ZHPFix report correctly, the Adobe Shockvawe 12.0 was removed according to the quote below:

"Recycle Bin emptied (07mn AMs)

========== Software ==========
REMOVES: Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0"

I was reffering to removal of ZHPFix itself in my Question while it was running the first time and generating report to desktop.

I have NO issues left anyway...

Re: hitman pro

dans AdwCleaner par Chapi


I will help you to clean your computer.

First thing you need to know is that to do that, we won't use every tools existing praying that this would be enough.

That is not a good way to eradicate malware. Instead, we will use first a diagnostic tool, and when we will know what is in your computer, we will use the tool designed for removing that malware. So please, stop running every too...