Re: Error: variable used without being declared


The debug logfile seems not full. When does the crash appear?


Re: blocage de l'écran


Nous allons essayer autre chose donc :

  • Appuyez sur la touche Windows puis écrivez "Diagnostic de mémoire Windows" et lancez l'application trouvée;
  • Un redémarrage sera nécessaire, sauvegardez tous vos travaux en cours puis cliquez sur "Redémarrer maintenant et rechercher les probèmes éventuels (recommandé)";
  • Au redémarrage, un processus "Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool" va se lancer...

Re: adwcleaner cant remove this file called '' jhdbca '' !!


Can you share the clean logfile of AdwCleaner please?


adwcleaner cant remove this file called '' jhdbca '' !!

Hello , need your Help to remove this file called jhdbca , i use adwcleaner  and remove it + restart PC , but it didnt work and kept showing up again , and it start ruin my desktop , need solution for this plz !!


--- here is the Log File --

# AdwCleaner v6.042 - Logfile created 11/01/2017 at 16:39:49 # Updated on 06/01/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-01-11.1 [Local] # Operating Sys...

Re: Error: variable used without being declared

dans AdwCleaner par Diabolis

Will do shortly. BTW, I noticed that it only happens when the program is executed on a domain machine from a roaming user profile (program location was local, not on a shared network drive). Running the program from a local user account executes normally - so I used that as a temporary workaround. Will re-run the probram and share the debug log as instructed shortly. Thank you!

Re: Error: variable used without being declared


We'll try to fix this issue. I'll need you to do something for me :

Can you relaunch AdwCleaner, click on Tools -> Options and tick "Debug" in "Mode" section.

Do a scan and a clean, the crash should still occur. Simply exit the freezed window. Then, host the file "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log" on and copy/paste here the generated link.


Re: Adwcleaner: Pando Media Booster false positive?

Should be fixed now, try a new scan. Sorry about that.

Re: Adwcleaner: Pando Media Booster false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan

jusr scanned with jrt, kaspersky tdds killer, mcaffe root kit remover and another rougekiller scan. They all came up clean.


Checked the date on the pando folder, August 18 2012, i think it was installed with another mmo, S4 League and i havent had any problem with pando showing up on scans so far


UPDATE:did a Malwarebytes and Hitman scan. Neither of them found anything.

Adwcleaner: Pando Media Booster false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan


I'd like to report a potential false positive

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Folder Found:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Pando Networks\Media Booster

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No malicious DLLs found.

***** [ WMI ] *****

No malicious keys found.

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****

No infected shortcut f...