Re: Version beta stops when scanning

I've used AdwCleaner BETA2 on my PC (Windows 10 Pro x64) and I've encountered no problem with (except the alert box about outdated (beta) version you've just to cancel and "Quarantine bug").

Are you sure of integrity of binary file you've downloaded? MD5 checksum correct value for v7.0.2.0 beta2 must be: ce116e89dfb4b0df2a4128b0f8470e36

If the downloaded file is good, perhaps AdwClean...

Version beta stops when scanning

dans AdwCleaner par Rinkg

I tried all versions before using this beta version and all failed. The tool stops at the heuristic analysis. I get a pop up windows: AdwCleaner stopped working and windows will try to find a solution. I cannot get any error file, my only option is to stop the the program and that's it.

I use Windows 10 family, 64 bits.

Thanks if this can be fixed soon.




Re: vers 7.0

@ fr33tux

I tried AdwCleaner on 2 different PCs, first one is mine running on Windows 10 x64 and the second that of a friend with Windows 7 32bits. On my PC, many previous versions of AdwCleaner had already been launched. On my friend's PC, it was the first use I believe (but it's not sure).

On my friend PC to disinfect, MiPony was installed and obviously AdwCleaner try to remove all traces o...

More false positives

dans AdwCleaner par whatisit

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Aug 04 17:28:24 2017 # Updated on 2017/05/08 by Malwarebytes # Database: 07-31-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Ultimate (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Adware.Heuristic, C:\ProgramData\{057DC76A-EA02-4CB2-AD10-10F4D94320D6} PUP.Adwa...

Re: Effacement RFA (Registry First Aid)

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Aug 04 08:05:06 2017 # Updated on 2017/05/08 by Malwarebytes # Database: 08-03-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X64) # Mode: scan # Support: ***** [ Services ] ***** No malicious services found. ***** [ Folders ] ***** PUP.Optional.RegistryFirstAid, C:\Program Files\RFA 11 PUP.Optional.RegistryFir...

Re: pup optional legacy

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Could you define the nature of the pop-up? Is it in the browser? On the desktop? through certain applications? When did the issue start happening? (Please answer these before continuing the read)

Since I am not certain about how it manifests, I can only offer a general thorough PC clean-up. The following steps should help you remove the issues, but make sure to post MBAM and ADW logs after sca...

Adwcleaner Error new Version

dans AdwCleaner par Strah


I got the same Problem with the newest Version. Im on Windows 10 here is my Debug File:

2017-08-01 14:32:37.943 DEBUG [10728] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-01 14:32:37.959 DEBUG [10752] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-01 14:32:38.365 DEBUG [10752] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 2017-08-01 14:32:38....

Re: Error ADW

dans AdwCleaner par Strah


I got the same Problem with the newest Version. Im on Windows 10 here is my Debug File:

2017-08-01 14:32:37.943 DEBUG [10728] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-01 14:32:37.959 DEBUG [10752] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-01 14:32:38.365 DEBUG [10752] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 2017-08-01 14:32:38....

Re: Error ADW

dans AdwCleaner par Dinole

I did the same with my second machine with WIN 8.1. The same problem, the same error message. Atgtached pls find the content of the debug log file.

2017-08-01 13:14:15.535 DEBUG [9084] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-01 13:14:15.538 DEBUG [8304] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-01 13:14:16.040 DEBUG [8304] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA...

Re: Error ADW

Hi again,

Alright, I was expecting the debug logfile but at least we know where the error comes from.

Nevertheless, the findings of the "PUP.Adware.Heuristic" in the folder "C:\ProgramData\Audyssee Labs" you cannot find in the protocol file!

 Can you develop a bit?
